Audit and assurance

The Natural Resources Commission Act 2003 requires us to undertake audits of plans and other natural resource management issues, as required by the Minister.
We are currently auditing implementation of state and regional invasive species management plans as part of the NSW Invasive Species Management Review. The lead agencies that are responsible for implementation of these plans are the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Local Land Services, respectively.
Our upcoming audits include:
- auditing implementation of the Local Land Services’ 11 local strategic plans
- auditing implementation of the Local Land Services State Strategic Plan.
These audits are prescribed under the Local Land Services Act 2013.
We also have a rolling program of audits under the Water Management Act 2000. We audit the implementation of water management plans within five years of their commencement to ascertain whether their provisions are being given effect to. This includes around 57 water sharing plans and 16 floodplain management plans. Auditees include the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water and WaterNSW.
Our audits deliver accountability of service delivery, drive improved performance, and engender community and investor confidence in the audited organisation's activities.
Past audit reports are published in the Completed Work section of our website.