
Our role in water management

Since December 2018, we have two legislative roles under the Water Management Act 2000:

  • Section 43A reviews of water sharing plans – to review how water sharing provisions have contributed to environmental, social and economic outcomes, and recommend any changes to improve outcomes, within the last five years of each plan.
  • Section 44 audits of water management plans – to audit water management plans (including water sharing plans and floodplain management plans) within the first five years of each plan to determine if their provisions are being given effect to.

Water sharing plans are statutory instruments under the Water Management Act 2000 that set out how water is managed, firstly to provide for the environment, as well as to support social and economic outcomes. These plans typically apply for a period of ten years.

Floodplain management plans provide the framework to coordinate flood work development to minimise future changes to flooding behaviour, and to increase awareness of risk to life and property from flooding.

Water management in NSW

Our role sits within NSW’s broader water management framework, outlined below.

DCCEEW: NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
E&H: Environment and Heritage Group within the DCCEEW
NRAR: Natural Resources Access Regulator