All News
2025 News
Have your say on restoring biodiversity and supporting landholders in regional landscapes
Under the
Commission publishes its review for the Murrumbidgee Regulated River water sharing plan
We have recently completed our review of the Water Sharing Plan for the Murrumbidgee Regulated River Wate...
Commission publishes its review for the NSW Murray and Lower Darling water sharing plan
We have recently completed our review of the Water Sharing Plan for the NSW Murray and Lower Darli...
Commission to support NSW in its Plan for Nature
The Premier has asked the Commission to advise on options to further protect and restore bi...
Evidence base continues to build for private native forestry
Landholder reporting on private native forestry plans is generating new data to help us better under...
Learn more about new forest monitoring using LiDAR data
On 15 November 2024, Professor Scott Brown from the University of Newcastle led a webinar presenting findings and...
Independent evaluation supports revisiting koala modelling and mapping for private native forestry
Findings by Honorary Professor Jane Elith, a leading expert in species distribution modelling, suggest NS...
3 Mar
Commission publishes its review for the Murrumbidgee Regulated River water sharing plan
We have recently completed our review of the Water Sharing Plan for the Murrumbidgee Regulated River Water Source 2016. We recommended that the water sharing plan be replaced to improve social,
environmental, cultural and economic outcomes taking into consideration recommendations from our plan review. The Minister has responded to our review report. The Plan is currently in force and is due
to be replaced or extended by 1 July 2026.
24 Feb
Commission publishes its review for the NSW Murray and Lower Darling water sharing plan
We have recently completed our review of the Water Sharing Plan for the NSW Murray and Lower Darling Regulated Rivers Water Sources 2016. We recommended that the water sharing plan be replaced to improve
social, environmental, cultural and economic outcomes taking into consideration recommendations from our plan review. The Minister has responded to our review report. The Plan is currently in force and
is due to be replaced or extended by 1 July 2026.
28 Jan
Commission to support NSW in its Plan for Nature
The Premier has asked the Commission to advise on options to further protect and restore biodiversity and ecosystems in regional NSW, while enhancing value and support for landholders. We have established
an advisory panel to support our review. In addition, we will also advise on options to manage and protect critically endangered ecological communities and improve outcomes for native non-woody vegetation.
The NSW Plan for Nature is the NSW Government’s response to recent reviews for biodiversity and native vegetation regulation. Read more here, including terms of references and join our mailing list to stay in touch.
2024 News
18 Dec
Commission invites submissions for Lachlan, Macquarie-Cudgegong and Namoi water sharing plans
We are calling for submissions to our review of the following water sharing plans: Lachlan Regulated River Water Source 2016; Macquarie and Cudgegong Regulated Rivers Water Source 2016;
and Upper Namoi and Lower Namoi Regulated River Water Sources 2016. Submissions are open until 23 February 2025.
29 Nov
Evidence base continues to build for private native forestry
Landholder reporting on private native forestry plans is generating new data to help us better understand private native forestry in NSW. In addition, scientists are
reanalysing acoustic survey recordings to generate new insights for a wider variety of fauna species in private forests. Learn more about the Private Native Forestry
monitoring program and achievements in our Annual Progress Report 2023-2024.
13 Nov
Learn more about new forest monitoring using LiDAR data
On 15 November 2024, Professor Scott Brown from the University of Newcastle led a webinar presenting findings and interactive web maps from new research exploring
changes in forest structure in NSW state forests. His research team has integrated LiDAR data and other spatial data to provide insights into the dynamics of forest
structure, composition, and regeneration following harvesting events. Following the presentation there was a Q&A session with a panel of forest monitoring experts.
12 Nov
Independent evaluation supports revisiting koala modelling and mapping for private native forestry
Findings by Honorary Professor Jane Elith, a leading expert in species distribution modelling, suggest NSW can improve koala modelling and maps for private native
forestry. While Professor Elith found sound scientific elements are in place, more work can be done. This will help to ensure that the best available, evidence-based
protections are in place for koalas on private land.
11 Nov
More than half a million hours of fauna data collected on state forests
Remote sensors have now collected over 624,000 hours of fauna survey data on state forests under the Coastal IFOA monitoring program, equivalent to 40 years
of data using traditional survey methods. In 2023-24, researchers have also delivered new insights on hollow bearing trees and forest regeneration, reviewed data
and methods for pre-harvest surveys to identify and protect threatened species, and developed plans to monitor the greater glider. Learn more about the Coastal IFOA
monitoring program and achievements in our Annual Report 2023-2024, or by joining our upcoming webinar exploring recent work on forest structure using LiDAR data.
15 Oct
Do they work? New research on riparian buffers in state forests
Jacobs Group (Australia) Pty Ltd has assessed the effectiveness of exclusion zone conditions for Class 1 drainage lines within the Coastal IFOA.
Their research provides insights into the performance of riparian exclusion zones and ground protection zones, helping to improve our management of forest ecosystems
and their associated waterways. This work builds on a portfolio of research for waterway health on state forests including a scientific literature review on the extent
of forestry impacts to waterway health and water quality in Coastal IFOA state forests and post-fire debris flows in southern Coastal IFOA catchments.
11 Oct
New data on post-harvest forest regeneration
A University of Newcastle research team has explored changes in forest structure in NSW state forests by integrating LiDAR data and other spatial data. This work provides insights into the dynamics of forest structure, composition, and regeneration following harvesting events, helping to improve our understanding of NSW’s forest ecosystems and how they are changing over time.
16 Sep
Commission calls for submissions on review of coastal water sharing plans
We are inviting submissions to our review of water sharing plans for the Brunswick Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2016, Clarence River Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2016,
Macleay Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2016, Nambucca Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2016, North Coast Coastal Sands Groundwater Sources 2016, North Coast Fractured and Porous Rock Groundwater Sources 2016,
and South Coast Groundwater Sources 2016. Submissions are open until 13 October 2024.
9 Sep
Commission releases preliminary invasive species management review report
We have released a preliminary report identifying five areas in which key issues pose the greatest risk to the success of NSW’s invasive species management system. For each area,
the report proposes a suite of integrated recommendations targeting risk reduction and system-wide improvement.
6 Sep
Revealing historical trends in greater glider populations
The program has engaged Associate Professor Craig Nitschke at the University of Melbourne to analyse over 25 years of historical Greater Glider data collected on coastal NSW state
forests. Dr. Nitschke is a forest and landscape ecologist who researches the impacts of management, disturbance and climate on forest ecosystems, adaptation to climate change and
the sustainable management of forests.
20 Aug
Minister responds to our audits of Hastings, Bellinger and Paterson water sharing plans
The Minister for Water has responded to our audits of the Hastings and Bellinger unregulated and alluvial water sharing plans, as well as the Paterson regulated water sharing plan.
25 Jul
Connectivity Expert Panel provides its final report to Minister
The Connectivity Expert Panel, chaired by the Natural Resources Commission (Amy Dula, Director of Programs), has provided its final report (available on the Department's website)
to the Minister for Water. The Panel has proposed a suite of recommendations to provide for a holistic approach to connectivity across the Northern Basin taking into consideration
the range of climatic conditions likely to be experienced. The Panel was established to provide independent expert advice to the Minister for Water regarding issues related to
connectivity in the Northern Murray-Darling Basin. The terms of reference are available on the Department’s website.
17 Jul
Commission tasked to support NSW Plan for Nature
The NSW Government has released the NSW Plan for Nature in response to recent biodiversity and native vegetation reviews. Under the plan, the NSW Government has tasked
the Commission to advise on four matters including options to further protect and restore biodiversity in regional landscapes and enhance value and support for landholders.
28 Jun
A vision for Banbai Country
The Banbai Rangers and Guyra Local Aboriginal Land Council partnered to deliver the Banbai Whole of Country Plan. The plan and supporting videos explain their vision and
why it is important to join them on a journey for healthy Country for all.
26 Apr
Evidence to monitor forestry outcomes continues to build
The Coastal IFOA monitoring program has recently engaged leading researchers in ecology, modelling and forest science to undertake new projects: modelling to predict the
effects of fire events on hollow-bearing trees and tree hollow formation within the Coastal IFOA region; reviewing survey methods and habitat modelling for multiple bird
species and Philoria frog species; trialling eDNA to detect the Giant barred frog, Stuttering Frog and Southern Stuttering frog populations as part of future monitoring; and
assessing the risk of dieback on Coastal IFOA outcomes and protections.
18 Apr
Connectivity Expert Panel releases interim report
The Natural Resources Commission (Amy Dula, Director of Programs) is chairing the Connectivity Expert Panel. The Panel has released its interim report which is available
on the Department’s website. The Connectivity Expert Panel was established to provide independent expert advice to the Minister for Water regarding issues related to
connectivity in the Northern Murray-Darling Basin. The Panel is expected to deliver their final report by the end of June 2024. The full terms of reference can be found
on the Department’s website.
16 Apr
Leading ecologists evaluate forestry surveys and modelling
Dr Sarah Munks, School of Natural Sciences at the University of Tasmania has led a team of researchers to evaluate the effectiveness of pre-harvest survey and modelling
conditions and practices used in the Coastal IFOA. This comprehensive evaluation found that Coastal IFOA species and habitat surveys, and associated models were overall
reasonably effective in identifying the presence of the focal species and associated habitat features. However, for some species the methods would benefit from review
and improvement. A research note summarises the key findings.
8 Mar
New insights on tree hollows in coastal state forests
Professor Phil Gibbons, Australian National University, has led a team of researchers to improve our understanding of the perpetuation of hollow bearing trees used by
fauna species across NSW coastal state forests. Prof Gibbons worked with modellers at the Forestry Corporation of NSW to deliver the work. A research note summarises
the key findings.
26 Feb
New plans to monitor greater gliders and koalas
The program has engaged Dr Rod Kavanagh, Adjunct Associate Professor at Southern Cross University and Dr Alistair Melzer, Adjunct Research Fellow at Central Queensland
University to design long-term plans to monitor the greater glider and koala respectively in NSW coastal state forests. Monitoring will assess the effectiveness of Coastal
IFOA conditions to protect these species.
23 Feb
Expert reports available on the NSW invasive species review
Reports prepared for the NSW Invasive Species Review are now available from ABARES and the University of Wollongong.
19 Feb
Leading ecologists evaluate forestry surveys and modelling
Dr Sarah Munks, School of Natural Sciences at the University of Tasmania has led a team of researchers to evaluate the effectiveness of pre-harvest survey and modelling conditions
and practices used in the Coastal IFOA. This comprehensive evaluation found that Coastal IFOA species and habitat surveys, and associated models were overall reasonably effective in
identifying the presence of the focal species and associated habitat features. However, for some species the methods would benefit from review and improvement.
19 Jan
Have your say on monitoring in coastal state forests
The monitoring program for the Coastal Integrated Forestry Operations Approval (IFOA) is currently undergoing its first five-yearly major review. This review will focus on the
program’s progress and results and analysis of trends. It will also look at the adequacy of the monitoring program and how it can be improved. Do you want to have your say on
the first five years of the monitoring program? Click here to find out how to make a submission.
2023 News
22 Dec
New science explores forestry outcomes on coastal state forests
The Coastal IFOA monitoring program has engaged leading scientists to further build the evidence base for forestry on NSW coastal state forests. Read how researchers at the University
of Newcastle are using new and historical data to investigate changes in forest structure over time on state forests. Modellers at Western Sydney University and FlintPro have teamed up
to help improve assessment of Coastal IFOA outcomes via large datasets, while other research investigates historical changes in flora composition and forest recovery after the
209/20 wildfires.
22 Dec
New research to investigate koalas and forestry
Leading scientists from Western Sydney University, University of Melbourne, University of Newcastle, CSIRO and the Forest Science Unit, NSW Department of Primary Industries
will work with experienced field ecologists from the Forestry Corporation of NSW to further investigate how koala populations and habitat respond to harvesting in state forests.
This work will build on previous research overseen by the Commission. A new research plan outlines the research objectives and approach. We are delivering this independent research
program under the NSW Koala Strategy (2021-26) at the request of the NSW Government.
14 Dec
Leading researchers present new science in the forest webinar series
Leading scientists presented their work on forest waterways, fauna monitoring and forest carbon at a series of webinars hosted by the Commission. Recordings of these webinars can be
accessed here. Research was commissioned by the NSW Forest Monitoring Steering Committee to build the evidence base for forest management in NSW. We independently chair the committee.
Click here to learn more about the NSW Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program, including the Coastal IFOA monitoring program.
6 Dec
Leading researchers present new science (third webinar)
Join leading scientists as they present their work on forest waterways, fauna monitoring and forest carbon at a series of webinars hosted by the Commission. The final webinar of
the year on forest carbon will be held on 13 December 2023. Register here. More information on the previous webinars can be found here. Research was commissioned by the NSW Forest
Monitoring Steering Committee to build the evidence base for forest management in NSW. We independently chair the committee.
4 Dec
Create your own insights - NSW forest carbon
Updated estimates for the carbon balance of NSW forests can now be explored using interactive charts which display detailed output data for the period 1990 to 2021. A team of leading
carbon accounting experts have updated previous estimates for the carbon balance of NSW forests using new data and refined methods. NSW forests lost an estimated total 165 million tonnes
of carbon (tC) between 1990 and 2021, with most of this loss due to the 2019-2020 wildfires. Fire is the key driver in carbon loss in NSW forests. A research note summarises the key findings.
Interactive charts display more detailed output data for the period 1990 to 2021. Spatial data showing total carbon stock (tC per hectare) for each year from 1990 to 2021 will soon be
available on the TERN Data Discovery Portal. Click here to learn more about the NSW Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program, including the Coastal IFOA monitoring program.
28 Nov
Leading researchers present new science (second webinar)
Join leading scientists as they present their work on forest waterways, fauna monitoring and forest carbon at a series of webinars hosted by the Commission. The second webinar
on fauna biodiversity and species monitoring will be held on 4 December 2023. Read the invite and register here. More information on other webinars can be found here. Research
was commissioned by the NSW Forest Monitoring Steering Committee to build the evidence base for forest management in NSW. We independently chair the committee.
24 Nov
Private Native Forestry MER Framework released
The Commission has overseen the development of the Private Native Forestry Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Framework, which has now been jointly approved by the
Chief Executive Officer of Local Land Services and the Secretary of the Department of Planning and Environment in November 2023. The implementation plan will now be developed.
This will include detailed design of the monitoring strategies and key indicators, along with thresholds for when adaptive management actions need to be considered.
6 Nov
New estimates for forest carbon balance
A team of leading carbon accounting experts have updated previous estimates for the carbon balance of NSW forests using new data and refined methods. NSW forests lost an
estimated total 165 million tonnes of carbon (tC) between 1990 and 2021, with most of this loss due to the 2019-2020 wildfires. Fire is the key driver in carbon loss in NSW
forests. A research note summarises the key findings.
1 Nov
Leading researchers present new science
Join leading scientists as they present their work on forest waterways, fauna monitoring and forest carbon at a series of webinars hosted by the Commission. The first
webinar on post-fire debris flows and the forest road network will be held on 23 November 2023. Read the invite and register here. More information on other webinars
can be found here. Research was commissioned by the NSW Forest Monitoring Steering Committee to build the evidence base for forest management in NSW. We independently
chair the committee. Click here to learn more about the NSW Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program, including the Coastal IFOA monitoring program.
24 Oct
Commission appoints experts for koala browse tree review
We have engaged Associate Professor Ben Moore (Western Sydney University) and Dr Karen Ford (Australian National University) to support the NSW Forest Monitoring
Steering Committee in reviewing the Coastal IFOA koala browse tree list for the upper and lower north-east CIFOA subregions.
4 Oct
Commission publishes review of inland water sharing plans
We have published final reports for the review of water sharing plans for the Gwydir Unregulated River Water Sources 2012, Lachlan Unregulated River Water Sources 2012,
Belubula Regulated River Water Sources 2012, Macquarie-Bogan Unregulated River Water Sources 2012 and Namoi and Peel Unregulated River Water Sources 2012. We have recommended
that these plans be remade taking into consideration the recommendations of the review reports. The NSW Government has extended all of these plans and they will remain in
effect until 30 June 2025 to allow for these plans to be remade. The summary presentation associated with each review report provides an overview of our key findings and
recommendations. READ MORE for about the final reports and summary presentations.
3 Oct
Have Your Say on invasive species management in NSW
We are reviewing the priority risks and impacts of invasive species and the effectiveness of current management strategies. We invite you to have your say. The Premier
has requested us to identify strategic opportunities to improve the management of invasive species in NSW across all land tenures for environmental, economic, social
and cultural benefits. Pests and weeds cause over $25 billion in damage to agriculture and biodiversity each year nationally, of which NSW bears a large proportion.
Over 70 percent of NSW’s threatened species and endangered ecological communities are also impacted by invasive species. This is your opportunity to be part of this
review by providing feedback. Public submissions are open for four weeks and close 5pm 31 October 2023. Please visit the Have Your Say website for further details. The
final report will be delivered to the NSW Government in May 2024.
27 Sep
Forestry monitoring secures long-term funding
Under the NSW 2023 budget, the NSW Government has committed up to $1 million per annum over 20 years for the Coastal IFOA monitoring program independently overseen
by the Commission. The program monitors native forestry outcomes on coastal NSW state forests with leading scientists and research institutes.
20 Sep
Researchers investigate retained trees impacted by forestry operations
We engaged leading researchers at Western Sydney University to investigate different levels of tree damage that may occur during forestry operations. The researchers
worked closely with Forestry Corporation of NSW and the Environment Protection Authority field staff to develop a practical and shared understanding of how different
types and levels of injury affect different types of retained trees. Many species respond to injury in a similar manner to natural disturbances such as fire, drought
and storms. The researchers have advised on a pathway towards setting objective thresholds for damage to retained trees.
8 Sep
A vision for Banbai Country
Banbai Rangers are moving closer to completing their vision and plan for their Country, as part of an On-Country planning pilot with the Commission. The Rangers have
shared a short video about their Country and work to date. More about the pilot can be found in this fact sheet.
7 Sep
Fauna recordings in the Coastal IFOA monitoring program
Australian Geographic have recently published calls made by koalas, powerful owls and barking owls captured by song meters used in the Coastal IFOA monitoring program.
Researchers are developing more call recognisers using artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to detect other forest dependent species.
25 Aug
Evidence base builds on coastal state forests
The third annual progress report for the Coastal IFOA monitoring program is now available. Learn more about how ecologists are rolling out a large-scale network to monitor threatened
species, spatial scientists are analysing high density LiDAR to assess forest structure, and researchers are improving models to better predict tree hollow recruitment in production forests.
10 Aug
Commission invites submissions on review of the Gwydir Regulated Water Sharing Plan
We are inviting submissions on our statutory review of the Water Sharing Plan for the Gwydir Regulated River Water Source 2016. You can comment on whether the plan has achieved
its environmental, social, economic and cultural outcomes. You are also invited to suggest any areas for improvement. The submissions close at 5pm on Sunday 10 September 2023.
8 Aug
Government responds to the audit of three southern regulated water sharing plans
We have published the audit report of three southern regulated water sharing plans (Lachlan Regulated River Water Source 2016, Murrumbidgee Regulated River Water Source 2016 and
NSW Murray and Lower Darling Regulated Rivers Water Sources 2016). The Minister for Water has responded to our audit to acknowledge that the provisions of the plans have not been
given full effect. In addition, the Department of Planning and Environment - Water is progressing work relevant to the audit recommendations.
3 Aug
Commission publishes review of Murrumbidgee unregulated water sharing plan
We have published a final report on the review of the Water Sharing Plan for the Murrumbidgee Unregulated Water Sources 2012. We have recommended that the Plan be remade
taking into consideration the recommendations within the review report. The Minister has accepted this recommendation and has extended the Plan for two years to allow time
for it to be remade. The summary presentation provides an overview of our key finding and recommendation. Both the final report and summary presentation are available on this website.
1 Aug
Private Native Forestry Monitoring Program - first annual progress report released
Private Native Forestry in NSW has new monitoring, assessment and adaptive management requirements. The Forest Monitoring Steering Committee, independently chaired by the Commission,
is overseeing these requirements under the PNF Monitoring Program. The Commission has been working with Local Land Services, other agencies, and independent experts, to deliver priority
projects in the first year of the monitoring program. Progress and achievements for 2022-23 are now available in the annual report.
21 Jul
New insights on water quality in NSW forests
Researchers have assessed debris flows in southern NSW after the 2019/20 wildfires using existing modelling and new imagery in southern NSW forest catchments. This is the first time that
debris flows from erosion events have been systematically mapped in NSW and linked to fire severity and other landscape features. Researchers have also reviewed the use of temporary log
crossings in NSW coastal native forests. They found temporary log crossings in some cases can deliver improved outcomes for water quality and aquatic habitat compared to traditional causeway
crossings. Also learn about new work underway to assess riparian exclusions zones on NSW state forests.
5 Jul
Overseeing koala research
The Commission has been requested to deliver independent research to better understand how koalas respond to harvesting in state forests. We recently called
for research proposals to engage one or more suitably qualified researchers, research teams or collaborative partnerships to undertake this research. This
research will build on our previous koala research program delivered between 2019-22. Research findings are explained in the research note.
27 Jun
Commission to host Eucalyptus Dieback Research Forum 2023
The 65th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS 2023) will be held from 3-8 September 2023 at Opal Cove, Coffs Harbour,
NSW. The Commission is co-ordinating a free pre-symposium Eucalyptus Dieback Research Forum on 3 September 2023. The research forum forms part of a NSW Environmental
Trust research program focused on untangling the causes of Eucalyptus dieback. The research forum is open, but spaces are limited. Land managers, environmental group
representatives, industry representatives, agency staff and researchers are encouraged to register.
2 Jun
Calling all koala researchers!
The Commission has been requested to deliver independent research to better understand how koalas respond to harvesting in state forests. We are seeking to engage one or more
suitably qualified researchers, research teams or collaborative partnerships to undertake this research. This research will build on our previous koala research program delivered between 2019-22. Research findings are explained in
the research note. To submit a research proposal, please visit the NSW e-Tendering website.
11 May
Calling for submissions on the Murrumbidgee water sharing plan review
We are calling for submissions on the Water Sharing Plan for the Murrumbidgee Regulated River Water Source 2016 from members of the community and
stakeholders. Submissions close on 30 June 2023.
3 Mar
Evaluation of Linear Reserves Program
We released a final report on the evaluation of the NSW Environmental Trust’s Linear Reserves Program, which supported the management of conservation values
of linear reserves. The projects funded under the Linear Reserves Program made a positive contribution to the management of linear reserves. The evaluation
also provided recommendations for the Trust to consider when undertaking similar programs in the future.
2 Mar
Issue briefs on recurring issues in inland unregulated river water sharing plan reviews
We have published two issues briefs to explain the recurring issues identified in our reviews of inland unregulated river water sharing plans. We consider
these issues create material risks that the plans may not be achieving their objectives.
2 Mar
Government responds to the audit of Namoi valley floodplain management plans
We have published the audit report of two floodplain management plans for the Upper Namoi Valley Floodplain 2019 and the Lower Namoi Valley Floodplain 2020.
The Minister for Lands and Water has responded to our audit to acknowledge that the provisions of the plans have not been given full effect. The Department of
Planning and Environment - Water and WaterNSW have also provided a response to our audit.
22 Feb
Banbai Rangers lead on-Country plan
The Banbai Rangers and Guyra Local Aboriginal Landcare Council have partnered to deliver an Aboriginal-led, on-Country planning pilot in northern NSW.
The pilot will deliver a Country-based investment plan that identifies and targets Banbai values that can attract public and private investment.
2022 News
22 Dec
Updated research report on koala response to timber harvesting
As part of the NSW Koala Strategy, we have released the final updated report on koala response to harvesting in NSW north coast state forests. This report includes new findings from
recently completed DNA diet analysis for koalas and additional advice on implications for management and recommendations.
19 Dec
Evaluation framework for water sharing plan reviews released
We have released a framework outlining how we conduct our water sharing plan reviews. The framework supports our principles of consistency and transparency, and has been refined
considering public comments.
7 Dec
New report shows NSW forests under threat
We have released a new report showing NSW forests face sustained threats from changing climate and invasive species. In response to these threats, we have made recommendations to improve
the outlook for our forests.
22 Nov
Government responds to the audit of three northern regulated water sharing plans
We have published audit report of the following three northern regulated water sharing plans: Upper Namoi and Lower Namoi Regulated River Water Sources 2016; Gwydir Regulated River Water
Source 2016; and Macquarie and Cudgegong Regulated Rivers Water Source 2016. The Minister for Lands and Water has responded to our audit to acknowledge that the provisions of the plans have
not been given full effect. In addition, the Department of Planning and Environment - Water (DPE-Water) is progressing work relevant to the audit recommendations and suggested actions.
DPE-Water and WaterNSW also provided responses to our audit.
17 Nov
New research on koala response to 2019-20 wildfires released
We have released a summary report on research by the Australian National University and the Forest Science Unit, NSW Department of Primary Industries on the impact of 2019-20 wildfires
on koalas and their habitat. This work was undertaken as part of the NSW Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program.
11 Nov
Commission to host community forums on forest monitoring
The Commission is hosting community forums for the Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program. Join us on Thursday 1 December to hear insights from researchers and ask questions about
the program.
20 Oct
Securing long-term outcomes for the Murrah Flora Reserves
The Commission has released the final report on our evaluation of the NSW Environmental Trust’s Protection of Koalas in Murrah Flora Reserves project. The Trust’s investment means the
conservation of local koalas and Aboriginal cultural heritage is now the focus of management within the reserves. More can be done to promote the Government’s policy for koalas and
secure long-term outcomes for local Aboriginal people.
30 Sep
Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program datasets are now publicly available
Three datasets from the Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program are now available on the Spatial Vision Webapps portal, which allow users to more easily visualise and interact with
the data. Webapps are available for species occupancy and distribution, soil health and stability and forested water catchments.
21 Sep
Commission to host community forum on forest-dependent species
The Commission is hosting a Community Forum for the Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program. Join the webinar on Friday 7 October 12-1 pm to hear insights from researchers
and ask questions about the program.
25 Aug
Aboriginal-led projects highlight impacts of wildfire
Reports are now available for three Aboriginal-led case studies exploring cultural forest values before and after the 2019-20 wildfires. In addition to the significant impacts the fires
had on many cultural values, the studies highlighted the limited engagement of Aboriginal people and how little we know about Aboriginal cultural values outside of Aboriginal managed lands.
These projects demonstrate the importance and effectiveness of Aboriginal-led approaches, providing new opportunities for local Aboriginal people to manage cultural values throughout their
Country and facilitating stronger partnerships between Aboriginal people and other land managers.
22 Aug
Commission publishes annual reports for forest monitoring programs
The latest annual reports are now available for the NSW Government’s Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program (FMIP) and the Coastal IFOA monitoring, evaluation, and reporting program.
The FMIP annual report outlines program achievements, insights and opportunities, and priority next steps for the year ahead. The Coastal IFOA annual report provides advice on any recommended
changes to the Coastal IFOA based on the results of the program.
19 Aug
Researchers use new methods to establish forest water catchment trends
Researchers from the University of Melbourne have published a report on baselines, drivers and trends for water quality and quantity in forested catchments across NSW. Drawing on 35 years
of historical data, the analysis provides NSW’s first authoritative baseline for these factors. The researchers also developed new statistical methods to analyse data, with this work expected
to be published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. The study found that there is declining water quantity across NSW and that climate change is likely to continue this downward trend, confirming
the findings of previous reports. This work was independently overseen by the Commission under the Coastal IFOA monitoring program.
18 Aug
Leading scientists imagine forests of the future
Leading experts in forestry, resilience, and future thinking have teamed up with the Commission and NSW agencies to develop a range of plausible scenarios representing how NSW forests may look to 2050.
The resulting report is now available and provides a tool for decision-makers to consider how different forest futures could develop, and challenge existing approaches to forest management. This kind
of analysis, while commonly used in other areas of government, represents a new, more forward-looking approach to forest management.
17 Aug
Commission welcomes feedback on draft Evaluation Framework for Reviewing Water Sharing Plans
The Commission welcomes feedback on our draft Evaluation Framework for Reviewing Water Sharing Plans. Submissions close 2 October 2022.
15 Aug
NSW Forest Monitoring Steering Committee to oversee implementation of Commissison's recommendations on PNF codes of practice
The NSW Forest Monitoring Steering Committee, independently chaired by the Commission, has been tasked with proposing and overseeing a monitoring, evaluation and reporting framework
under the Private Native forestry codes of practice. This work is supported by funding from Local Land Services of $1.5 million over two years, as part of a larger $28 million Farm Forestry Package.
15 Aug
Government responds to the audit of Barwon-Darling floodplain management plan
The Minister for Lands and Water has responded to the Commission's audit of the Barwon-Darling floodplain management plan by informing that the Department of Planning and Environment - Water is
progressing work relevant to the audit recommendations and suggested actions. This follows the Commission’s audit of the plan, in accordance with the Water Management Act 2000.
12 Jul
Government responds to three more water sharing plan reviews
The Minister for Lands and Water has responded to the Commission's recent water sharing plan reviews and has publicly announced that the following water sharing plans will be extended for two
years in order to be remade: Water Sharing Plan for the Castlereagh Unregulated Water Sources 2011; Water Sharing Plan for the Border Rivers Unregulated River Water Sources 2012; Water Sharing Plan
for the North Western Unregulated and Fractured Rock Water Sources 2011. This follows the Commission’s reviews of the plans, as required under Section 43A of the Water Management Act 2000.
1 Jul
Government responds to three water sharing plan reviews
The Minister for Lands and Water has responded to the Commission's recent water sharing plan reviews and has publicly announced that the following water sharing plans
will be extended for two years in order to be remade: Water Sharing Plan for the Murray Unregulated River Water Sources 2011; Water Sharing Plan Lower Murray-Darling Basin
Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2011; Water Sharing Plan Intersecting Streams Unregulated River Water Sources 2011. This follows the Commission’s reviews of the plans,
as required under Section 43A of the Water Management Act 2000.
23 Jun
Data driven wood supply baseline established
An authoritative wood supply baseline for coastal state forests is now available. Total wood supply has declined between 2003 and 2019 across the Coastal IFOA region with largest
decreases in the supply of pulp logs in this period. The work was independently overseen by the Commission under the Coastal IFOA monitoring program.
22 Jun
New forest LiDAR data now available
The Commission has made new terrestrial forest LiDAR data and ground measures available through the TERN data discovery portal. Visit the portal here. The Commission encourages the
scientific community to take a look at this data and derive new insight about out forests.
11 May
Released data measures historical changes to coastal NSW forests
A consortium of leading spatial scientists has released the datasets and methods to use the data that measure forest extent, condition, loss and recovery of forests of
the Regional Forest Agreement regions between 1995 and 2019. To develop these methods, the group sourced and synthesised data drawn from an extensive set of existing and
historical forest monitoring programs, and represents a NSW first in developing a detailed time-series of change in coastal forests.
6 May
Leading researchers unite to tackle forest dieback
The Commission and the Australian National University recently partnered to host the Eucalyptus Dieback Symposium 2022. The symposium attracted over 120 delegates
from NSW and across the nation. The Commission oversees the forest dieback research program on behalf of the NSW Environmental Trust.
29 Apr
Commission invites applications for Advisor and Senior Advisor roles
The Commission invites applications for Advisor and Senior Advisor roles. Applicants to have any or all experience working in designing and implementing monitoring and
research programs, forest and conservation management, forest resource or use economics, or Aboriginal cultural values and interests. Applications close on 31 May 2022.
To apply online for these roles, please go to "I Work For NSW" website.
8 Apr
Banbai Rangers deploy latest technology to monitor fauna
The Banbai Rangers have commenced fauna monitoring on the Wattleridge Indigenous Protected Area in northern NSW using remote cameras and audio devices. Rangers and
ecologists will soon work together to analyse and explore the data.
8 Apr
Environmental Trust funding delivers outcomes on south coast
The Commission has found funding provided by the NSW Environmental Trust delivered expected short-term outcomes to enhance conservation outcomes for biodiversity
values and Aboriginal culture. Funding also minimised impacts on the local timber industry. The Trust engaged the Commission to evaluate a $2.5 million grant to deliver
protection for koala in the Murrah koala reserves, and secure important Aboriginal cultural value and heritage sites. The Commission's full report, including advise on
opportunities to improve, is available on the project page.
25 Mar
Latest data used to quantify forest carbon in NSW
Researchers from the Mullion Group, CSIRO and the NSW Department of Primary Industries have used the latest national and NSW data and modelling techniques to quantify
forest carbon in NSW. This assessment represents the most significant advancement in understanding the trends in forest carbon across NSW.
15 Mar
Science journal Nature publishes koala research overseen by the Commission
Researchers engaged under the Commission’s Koala Research Program have published their research in the eminent scientific journal Nature. As the Commission reported in
its synthesis report, researchers found that the range of selective harvesting rates applied at the research sites consistent with the Coastal IFOA conditions and protocols
did not adversely impact koala density.
2021 News
17 Dec | Eucalyptus Dieback Symposium 2022
The Australian National University in partnership with the Commission are hosting the Eucalyptus Dieback Symposium 2022 on the 4th and 5th of April 2022 at the Australian National University. The symposium is part of the 2020 NSW Environmental Trust Environmental Research Program, focused on untangling the causes of eucalyptus dieback. |
15 Dec | Commission publishes audit of eight coastal unregulated water sharing plans
The Commission has audited eight coastal unregulated and alluvial water sharing plans in the north and south coasts of NSW to ascertain whether the provisions of the plans are being given effect to, as required under Section 44 of the Water Management Act 2000 No 92. While many of the provisions of the plans are being implemented, the Commission considers that on balance the provisions of the plans have not been given full effect in accordance with the Act. The Commission has made audit recommendations and suggested actions to DPIE-Water, WaterNSW and the Natural Resources Access Regulator. |
8 Dec | Commission publishes audit of Hunter water sharing plan
The Commission’s audit of the Water Sharing Plan for the Hunter Regulated River Water Source 2016 considers that the provisions of the plan have not been given full effect in accordance with the Water Management Act 2000. The Commission has made audit recommendations and suggested actions to DPIE-Water, WaterNSW and the Natural Resources Access Regulator. |
25 Nov | Commission invites submissions on three inland water sharing plans
The Commission is calling for submissions on three inland water sharing plans from members of the community and stakeholders. These plans include: Namoi and Peel Unregulated Rivers Water Sources 2012; Gwydir Unregulated River Water Sources 2012; and Murrumbidgee Unregulated River Water Sources 2012. Submissions close Sunday 6 February 2022. |
9 Nov | Commission kick starts research into using technology to improve wildlife detection
Two key projects have commenced to investigate novel techniques to improve the detection of cryptic fauna in our forests. The first includes training a detection dog Miki, in a partnership with the NSW Saving our Species program, to sniff out the Hastings River mouse. The second is investigating the use of drones and thermal imaging technology to locate koalas and greater gliders to determine population density. |
28 Oct | Banbai Rangers leading Aboriginal forest and fire assessments
The Banbai Rangers are leading Aboriginal values assessments on the Wattleridge Indigenous Protected Area and other tenures in northern NSW after the 2019/20 wildfires. Learn about key forest values on their lands and how to better protect these as part of forest and fire management practices by watching their story on the case study. This work is delivered in partnership with the Tamworth and Guyra Local Aboriginal Land Councils under the NSW Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program in collaboration with Firesticks Alliance. Aboriginal-led assessments are also underway with the Coffs Harbour Local Aboriginal Land Council and the Brungle-Tumut Local Aboriginal Land Council. Learn more about the program from Rachael Cavanagh, Firesticks Alliance ( Video interview) and Bhiamie Williamson, Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, Australian National University and independent advisor on the program ( Video interview) who describe the assessments and outcomes so far. |
12 Oct | New data on water and soil health in NSW forests
Researchers have delivered new research on the health of waterway and soils in NSW forests under the NSW Forest Monitoring and Improvement program. For example, researchers at the University of Melbourne found annual water flows have decreased in forested catchments over the last 35 years in NSW Regional Forest Agreement areas, with most significant decreases in south coast forests. One third of coastal forest catchments had 10 to 20 percent flow decreases relative to the long-term average. These reductions are likely induced by climatic factors. In other research, scientists at the University of Sydney and the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment have found soil carbon has slightly declined over the last decade in NSW Regional Forest Agreement areas. However, significant fluctuations have occurred in this period. Climate change is predicted to contribute to a decline in soil carbon over most of the study area, particularly the southern alps. |
12 Oct | Leading fire researchers deliver advice on the implications of future fires
Researchers at the University of Wollongong have delivered independent research on the implications of changing fire regimes on the Coastal IFOA meeting its desired objectives and outcomes. This important research looked at the impacts brought about by the 2019/20 fires as well as the longer-term impacts and risks from changing fire regimes and climate. The findings contained within the report provide broader context for forest management and monitoring across all tenures in the Coastal IFOA region. |
12 Oct | New research on koala response to forestry
The Commission has released findings from a three-year research program investigating how koalas and their habitat respond to selective harvesting on north coast state forests. Overall, the research found the nutritional quality of trees is critical for koala survival and selective harvesting did not have an adverse impact upon koala numbers on surveyed north coast state forests. |
29 Sep | New research to map post-fire erosion to support forest management
The Commission has partnered with researchers at Jacobs to develop a method that will map post-fire erosion. This will improve our understanding of how future wildfires impact water quality and provide options to reduce those impacts. The project will address knowledge gaps of how sediment is transferred to waterways after wildfires. The project will provide options to the Coastal IFOA for improved forest management to protect waterway health in a changing climate. |
24 Sep | Commission publishes audits of Gwydir Valley floodplain and coastal groundwater plans
The Commission’s audit of the following water management plans considers that the provisions of these plans have not been given full effect in accordance with the Water Management Act 2000: Floodplain Management Plan for the Gwydir Valley Floodplain 2016; Water Sharing Plan for the South Coast Groundwater Sources 2016; Water Sharing Plan for the North Coast Coastal Sands Groundwater Sources 2016; and the Water Sharing Plan for the North Coast Fractured and Porous Rock Groundwater Sources 2016. The Commission has made audit recommendations and suggested actions to DPIE-Water, WaterNSW and the Natural Resources Access Regulator. |
19 Sep | World experts leading future forest scenarios
The Commission has engaged world leading futures and resilience thinkers Adjunct Professor Steve Cork (ANU Crawford School of Public Policy), Dr Simon Ferrier and Dr Steven Lade (Stockholm Resilience Centre) to help develop scenarios for the future of NSW forests. Professor Peter Kanowski (ANU Fenner School of Environment and Society) will facilitate a process to explore a range of plausible futures and pathways in collaboration with other experts and NSW agencies responsible for forest policy and management. This work will assist policy-makers to make informed, evidence-based decisions about the future management of forests. |
9 Sep | Calling citizen scientists to join our first virtual expedition
The NSW Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program has commenced it’s Forest-Eye program and is now calling out to citizen scientists for help. The program has joined forces with the Australian Museum, Australian Citizen Science Association and the Minderoo Wildfire and Disaster Resilience Program to harness the reach of citizen scientists. The first of seven first expeditions (and more to come!) is now available for citizen scientists to help identify species via camara imagery all from the comfort of home. Soon we will have boots on the ground, working with citizen scientists to collect biodiversity data in NSW forests using the latest sensing technology. |
16 Jul | Setting priorities for investment in coastal rivers and estuaries
The Commission released its final reports on the Environmental Trust’s Coastal Rivers and Estuaries Project. The Trust engaged the Commission to investigate and better understand how they could invest strategically to achieve significant improvements in the health of coastal rivers and estuaries. |
12 Jul | Government responds to Commission's review of South Coast water sharing plans
The Government has publicly announced that water sharing plans for the NSW South Coast region will be extended for two years in order to be remade. The Commission reviewed water sharing plans for the Bega and Brogo Rivers Area, Murrah-Wallaga Area and the Towamba River water sources. |
30 Jun | Connecting community and science with FrogID
The Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program is working with the Australian Museum to establish a network of citizen science frog monitoring sites in State Forests, National Parks and Council-managed reserves in the Coffs Harbour region. In partnership with FrogID, the program will be connecting government agencies, researchers and citizen science groups. FrogID is a citizen science project led by the Australian Museum. It uses smartphones to record frog calls, which are verified by a team of trained staff. FrogID currently has over 14,200 users nationally. |
9 Jun | Science-based monitoring underway for forestry in coastal NSW
The Commission, on behalf of the NSW Forest Monitoring Steering Committee, has provided its first annual progress reports on the NSW coastal IFOA monitoring program to the NSW Environment Protection Authority and the NSW Department Primary Industries. The report describes how the program has laid the foundation with expert reviewed, scientifically based plans to monitor and research forest health, biodiversity, water quality, wood supply and impacts on fire affected sites. The program, under the broader NSW Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program, is establishing NSW’s first environmental and wood supply baselines to evaluate the effectiveness or impacts of the approval on the maintenance of environmental value and on wood supply. |
4 Jun | Commission purchases Australian Carbon Credit Units
The Commission has purchased Australian Carbon Credit Units through the Aboriginal Carbon Foundation generated through the Tiwi Islands Savanna Burning for Greenhouse Gas Abatement project in the Northern Territory. This helps to support rangers and Traditional Owners manage country while making another step towards our goals of becoming carbon neutral and supporting Aboriginal businesses. |
1 Jun | Commission invites submissions to inform its reviews of three water sharing plans
The Commission invites submissions from the public to inform its reviews of water sharing plans for the North Western Unregulated and Fractured Rock, NSW Border Rivers Unregulated River, and Castlereagh River Unregulated water sources. The reviews will focus on the extent to which the water sharing provisions in the plans have materially contributed to the achievement of, or the failure to achieve, environmental, social and economic outcomes. They will also identify whether changes to these provisions are warranted. The submissions close on Friday, 16 July 2021. |
31 May | Monitoring plan for fire-affected forestry sites
The Commission has developed a plan with the Forestry Corporation of NSW to monitor fire affected sites as part of the broader Coastal IFOA monitoring program. |
12 May | Government responds to reviews of Greater Metropolitan, Richmond and Tweed water sharing plans
The Minister for Water, Property and Housing has responded to the Commission's review reports of the following water sharing plans: Greater Metropolitan Region Unregulated River; Greater Metropolitan Region Groundwater; Richmond River Area Unregulated Regulated and Alluvial; and Tweed River Area Unregulated and Alluvial. |
6 May | Land managers connect across tenures to monitor fauna
Native animals use habitat on national parks and state forests. Unlike people, they don’t recognise boundaries. Without a consistent and comprehensive approach to monitor native animals across tenures, we risk having a piece-meal view on what is really occurring to our native animals. The Commission is now working with land managers and scientists from the Forestry Corporation of NSW and the National Parks and Wildlife Service to pilot an approach that will lay the foundation for reliable evidence on the health of native animal populations across the landscape. |
26 Apr | Commission launches Aboriginal NRM webpage
The Commission has launched an Aboriginal Natural Resources Management webpage to acknowledge Aboriginal peoples’ deep connection to lands and waters, and their continuing and critical role in caring for country. We hope that the webpage will not only promote our growing efforts in collaborating with Aboriginal peoples and organisations to ensure meaningful participation in natural resource management, but we can use this as a tool to strengthen our engagement with Aboriginal NRM knowledge holders, thought leaders and experts so they can share their knowledge to inform our reviews and advice. |
21 Apr | NSW continues to break new ground for evidence on forest health
The NSW Forest Monitoring Steering Committee has delivered its latest progress report on its forest monitoring program. Learn about the state’s first baselines on forest ecosystem health and the nation’s first plan to monitor progress on NSW Regional Forest Agreements. Follow the program over the next year as it continues to deliver priroity evidence for the future of NSW Forests. |
1 Apr | Australia’s first dedicated plan to monitor regional forest agreements
The NSW Forest Monitoring Steering Committee has delivered the nation’s first plan to monitor NSW’s Regional Forest Agreements. The plan sets out priority actions, and roles and responsibilities to monitor, evaluate and report on the outcomes sought across all tenures in the three NSW Regional Forest Agreements. This initial plan sets out the vast array of existing forest monitoring and research already undertaken across NSW RFA regions. It is a first step as NSW continues to join up science across government, and sharpen investment on priority monitoring to deliver outcomes and timely information for decision making. |
22 Mar | Government responds to five water sharing plan reviews
The Minister for Water, Property and Housing has responded to the Commission's review reports of the following water sharing plans for the: Central Coast Unregulated Water Sources; Coffs Harbour Area Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources; Hunter Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources; Lower North Coast Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources; and the Peel Valley Regulated, Unregulated, Alluvial and Fractured Rock Water Sources. The Government's response is available on the Water Sharing Plan Reviews page. |
19 Mar | Country’s best scientific minds tackling the causes of tree dieback
Tree dieback is increasing globally, across Australia and within NSW – from the Monaro plains, the Kosciusko Alps to the north coast of NSW. On behalf of the NSW Environmental Trust, the Natural Resources Commission is overseeing the NSW Government’s $1.2 million investment in research to tackle the causes of eucalypt dieback. The Trust has awarded grants to leading researchers at the Australian National University, the CSIRO, University of New England, Macquarie University and Western Sydney University. The Commission and its expert dieback panel will be working closely with leading researchers to identify synergies between the research and ensure that the research informs evidence-based landscape management. |
12 Mar | Commission to provide advice on Coastal IFOA operations post 2019-20 bushfires
The Minister for Planning and Public Spaces has requested the Commission through a terms of reference to provide independent, evidence-based advice on forestry operations under the coastal IFOA as the NSW public forest estate recovers from the 2019-20 bushfires. |
17 Feb | Check out our new forest monitoring programs!
The Commission is overseeing different forest monitoring and research projects being undertaken by scientists across government, academia, the private sector and the community. We have refreshed our webpage to provide more content in a more accessible way to help you learn more about what data is being collected by who and when it will be shared. READ MORE about the Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program. Want to know more about monitoring forestry on NSW state forests? Check out our Coastal IFOA monitoring program webpage. |
5 Feb | Susan Madden appointed as Assistant Commissioner
Susan Madden has been appointed as an Assistant Commissioner of the Natural Resources Commission. Susan has over 20 years’ experience working in agriculture and natural resources management. This includes experience in undertaking economic analysis and providing policy advice on major reform initiatives in water, native vegetation, fisheries, forestry, biosecurity and agriculture. |
4 Feb | Commission to evaluate koala protections on NSW South Coast
The NSW Environmental Trust has asked the Commission to evaluate the Murrah koala flora reserve project. The Murrah Flora Reserves aim to protect important habitat for the last remaining koala population on the NSW Far South Coast and Aboriginal cultural heritage. |
2020 News
23 Dec | Forest monitoring program delivering early findings and insights
The NSW Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program’s initial investment of over $2 million with 20 project partners is now delivering early data, finding and insights on NSW forest ecosystems and the communities they support. For example, the program has collated over 30 years of historical data to baseline forest extent and distribution of native species. Projects will continue to deliver valuable data and insights in 2021. The community and researchers can access data in 2021 after data is further quality assured. |
21 Dec | Aboriginal expert to advise on forest monitoring and management
Mr Bhiamie Williamson from the Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research at the Australian National University has joined the NSW Forest Monitoring Steering Committee as a permanent independent expert advisor. Bhiamie is a Euahlayi man from north-west NSW. His research interests include natural resource management, cultural burning and facilitating sustainable community development pathways. In addition, the Commission has engaged the Tamworth Local Aboriginal Land Council and Brungle Tumut Local Aboriginal Land Council to lead cultural values and renewal assessments in their regions under the NSW Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program. Coffs Harbour Local Aboriginal Land Council are currently undertaking similar assessments focused on the impacts of the 2019/20 wildfires in their region. |
14 Dec | Commission publishes audit of floodplain management plans
The Commission has completed its first audit in line with its statutory responsibility under Section 44 of the Water Management Act 2000 (Act). The audit report was provided to the Minister for Water, Property and Housing in August 2020 and is now available on this website. The report covers the audit of the implementation of the following plans:
23 Nov | Commission provides its annual report to the Minister
The Commission has provided its Annual Report 2019-2020 to the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces for presentation to the NSW Parliament. The report will be published on the Commission website after it has been tabled in the Parliament. |
2 Nov | New coastal IFOA monitoring plans to inform evidence-based decision-making
The Commission has published scientifically robust plans to monitor and evaluate whether the coastal IFOA is achieving objectives and outcomes. Plans are also in place to determine whether the Coastal IFOA is having a neutral, positive or negative impact on landscape-scale environmental values or wood supply. Evidence to inform adaptive management processes will ensure timely and continual improvement. |
8 Sep | Commission provides audit of floodplain management plans to the Minister
The Commission has completed its first audit in line with its statutory responsibility under Section 44 of the Water Management Act 2000 (Act). The audit report was provided to the Minister for Water, Property and Housing in August 2020, and will be published shortly on this website. The report covers the audit of implementation of the following plans:
6 Aug | Commission publishes reports on reviews of five water sharing plans
Following their submission to the Minister for Water, Property and Housing in May, the Commission has released its final review reports for the following water sharing plans:
22 Jul | Calling citizen scientists for forest monitoring
The Commission is seeking to connect the citizen science community to the NSW Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program. Working with the Australian Citizen Science Association and its networks, the Commission will identify existing citizen science data and projects that can support the program objectives. |
25 Jun | Partnering with leading scientists in new forest monitoring projects
NSW Government partners with Australia’s leading scientists to deliver data for better forest management across national parks, state forests, crown land and private forested land. The Commission, as chair of the Forest Monitoring Steering Committee, has partnered with 10 universities, the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Regional NSW, Aboriginal organisations and private consultancies to deliver nation leading forest monitoring services. The Steering Committee has approved 11 new monitoring projects on:
This new work will build on previous investments in assessing post-wildfire impacts to support recovery planning, and monitoring north coast fauna. |
25 Jun | Old growth reassessment program suspended
The NSW Government has suspended the program to reassess old growth forest mapping on coastal state forests and approved the repurposing of the remaining funds to the Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program. The 2019-20 fires burnt significant areas of old growth forest and its canopy. The proposed methods under the draft Old Growth Reassessment Framework rely on a remote sensing technique that looks at the forest canopy as a way to indicate areas of structurally mature forest for further field investigation. If the canopy is burnt this method cannot be accurately applied. |
22 Jun | Professor Hugh Durrant-Whyte appointed as the new Commissioner
The Governor of NSW has appointed Professor Hugh Durrant-Whyte as the new Natural Resources Commissioner for five years. Hugh is also the Chief Scientist and Engineer for NSW and will retain that role. He will be working flexibly across both of these roles, and his other roles. |
9 Jun | Forest monitoring proposals selected
The Forest Monitoring Steering Committee has approved six new monitoring projects on data services, forest-dependent jobs, Aboriginal culture and renewal, evaluating forest road network, carbon balance of NSW forests, and baselines, trends and drivers for forest water catchments. |
21 May | Commission invites submissions to inform its reviews of coastal water sharing plans
The Commission invites submissions from the public to inform its reviews of five coastal water sharing plans. The reviews will focus on the extent to which the water sharing provisions in the plans have materially contributed to the achievement of, or the failure to achieve, environmental, social and economic outcomes. They will also identify whether changes to these provisions are warranted. The submissions close on 5 July 2020. |
21 May | Commission provides reports to Minister on reviews of five water sharing plans
The Commission has provided its final review reports for the following water sharing plans to the Minister: Central Coast Unregulated Water Sources, Coffs Harbour Area Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources, Hunter Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources, Lower North Coast Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources, and Peel Valley Regulated, Unregulated, Alluvial and Fractured Rock Water Sources. Later, these reports will be made available on this website. |
1 May | Commission calls for proposals for the forest monitoring program
The Commission has established two streams to guide program investment and address the state-wide evaluation questions. The Forest Monitoring Steering Committee has endorsed a set of state-wide evaluations questions to guide the future delivery of the program. The questions will link monitoring, evaluation and research to government, stakeholder and community needs about the ecologically sustainable management of NSW forests. |
24 Apr | Environmental Trust adopts Commission advice for research priorities on tree dieback
The Environmental Trust has accepted the Commission's advice on research priorities for untangling the causes of tree dieback. Earlier, the Trust engaged the Commission to oversee the delivery of a research program to better understand the causes of eucalyptus dieback in New South Wales. |
30 Mar | Commission provides advice on biodiversity reforms
Following a policy review trigger for the Land Management and Biodiversity Conservation reforms being reached in October 2018, the Commission provided independent, evidence-based advice to the NSW Government. Based on the findings of the review, the Commission provided the NSW Government a suite of recommendations to strengthen the Land Management and Biodiversity Conservation reform outcomes. |
30 Mar | Commission presents preliminary findings for review of Peel Valley WSP
The Commission presented preliminary findings for its review of Peel Valley water sharing plan at the Namoi Stakeholder Advisory Panel on 30 March 2020. Feedback to the Commission can be provided by 14 April 2020. |
25 Mar | Coastal IFOA monitoring program approved
The Commission has overseen the development of the Coastal Integrated Forestry Operations Approval (IFOA) monitoring program, which has now been jointly approved by the Interim Chief Executive Officer of the Environment Protection Authority and the Director General of the Department of Primary Industries in March 2020. A detailed monitoring plan for implementation of the program will now be developed. This will include detailed design of the monitoring strategies and key performance indicators. |
17 Mar | Commission reports on koala research program
The Commission released an annual progress report on the koala research program. The report explains the progress of the research program to-date and the implications of drought and the 2019/20 wildfires on the program. The report also sets out research opportunities to investigate post-fire impacts. |
2019 News
20 Dec | Coastal IFOA monitoring program approved by EPA and DPI
The Chief Executive Officer of the NSW Environment Protection Authority and the Deputy Director General of the Department of Primary Industries have provided joint approval of the Coastal Integrated Forestry Operations Approval (IFOA) Monitoring Program 2019-2024. The program centres on nine monitoring strategies that will evaluate the effectiveness of priority conditions in meeting the Coastal IFOA objectives and outcomes. |
6 Dec | Commission proposes a monitoring program for Coastal IFOA
The Forest Monitoring Steering Committee has endorsed the Coastal IFOA Monitoring Program 2019-2024 which has been submitted for joint approval by the Chief Executive Officer of the Environment Protection Authority and the Director General of the Department of Primary Industries. |
6 Dec | Commission announces foundational projects for forest monitoring
The Forest Monitoring Improvement Program Steering Committee has approved funding for two foundational projects to support post-fire ecological recovery and track changes in fauna occupancy including koalas. A key deliverable under the Program Framework 2019-2024 is to establish foundational projects to provide early building blocks for the program. |
22 Nov | Environmental Trust considering Commission's recommendations on Major Projects program
The Environmental Trust has received and are considering the Commission's recommendations on the evaluation of the Trust's Major Projects Program – one of the NSW Government’s largest environmental funding programs. The Commission's evaluation focused on the current governance processes to assess whether the Program’s decision making processes are sound, fit for purpose and maximise public value from the Trust’s investment. |
14 Nov | Commissioner Dr John Keniry AM to retire in December 2019
Dr Keniry has been planning to retire from the Commission for some time and has confirmed that after eight years he will retire on the 13 December 2019. In the last annual report he indicated: “It has been a privilege to lead the Commission over most of the past eight years, and the opportunity, as an organisation that is independent within government, to contribute to policy review and development across a wide range of natural resource management issues. I wish the Commission well in the future.” |
18 Oct | Commission invites comment on draft monitoring program for Coastal IFOA
The NSW Forest Monitoring and Improvement Steering Committee, independently chaired by the Natural Resources Commission, has developed a draft monitoring program for the Coastal Integrated Forestry Operations Approval (IFOA). The Commission invites comment on the draft monitoring program from all interested parties by 8 November 2019. |
6 Sep | Final report on Barwon-Darling Water Sharing Plan review submitted to NSW Government
The Commission has submitted today to the Minister for Water its final report on the review of the Water Sharing Plan for the Barwon-Darling Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2012. The Commission would like to thank the 1,231 respondents who provided submissions throughout this review. The Commission has considered these submissions in finalising the review. |
2 Sep | Commission to help Environmental Trust set priorities for Coastal Rivers investment
The Environmental Trust engaged the Commission to review the condition, pressures and management approaches for NSW coastal rivers and wetlands, to better understand the barriers and keys to success for improving their health. The investigation aims to identify where and what to invest in for the best environmental return on investment for NSW coasts. |
26 Aug | Submissions on draft report for Barwon-Darling water sharing plan published
The Commission has published on this website submissions received on the draft report for the Barwon-Darling water sharing plan review. The Commission is now considering these submissions to finalise its review to be submitted to the Minister in September 2019. |
7 Aug | Commission invites submissions on five water sharing plan reviews
The Commission invites submissions on its review of the following five water sharing plans: Hunter Unregulated and Alluvial; Lower North Coast Unregulated and Alluvial; Peel Valley Regulated, Unregulated Alluvial and Fractured Rock; Greater Metropolitan Region Unregulated River; and Greater Metropolitan Region Groundwater. Submissions are to address five key questions in relation to social, environmental and economic outcomes, and opportunities for improvement. Submissions close on 25 October 2019 |
30 Jul | Commission is considering submissions on draft Program Strategy for forest monitoring program
The Commission is now considering the submissions received for the draft Program Strategy to finalise the Program Strategy. |
24 Jul | Commission seeks comment on draft report for Barwon-Darling water sharing plan review
The draft report for the Commission’s independent review of the Barwon-Darling water sharing plan is now on public exhibition. Submissions are invited by 22 August 2019. |
14 Jun | Minister endorses Commission's recommendations on emergency response capability audit
The then Minister for Primary Industries has endorsed all of the Commission’s 18 recommendations on the audit of Department of Primary Industries (DPI) and Local Land Services’ emergency response capability. DPI and Local Land Services have prepared an action plan to implement these recommendations, building on a reform program already initiated. |
7 Jun | Commission has published submissions to Barwon-Darling water sharing plan review
The Commission has published on its website all non-confidential submissions received for the review of Barwon-Darling water sharing plan. The Commission is now considering the submissions to inform its draft report. The draft report will be released in July 2019 for public consultation. |
4 Jun | Commission seeks comments on draft forest program strategy
The Premier has asked the Commission under a terms of reference to independently oversee and advise on a state-wide monitoring, evaluation, reporting and improvement program for NSW forests. The Commission invited public comment on the draft Program Strategy. The comment period ended on 4 July 2019. |
3 May | New videos on old growth reassessment
At the request of the Premier, the Commission to independently overseeing a program to reassess existing old growth forest mapping on coastal state forests. The Commission has posted two videos to explain its work. |
18 Apr | Commission is considering submissions to Barwon-Darling water sharing plan review
Submissions are now closed for the review of Barwon-Darling water sharing plan. The Commission has received 70 submissions which will be made publicly available shortly. The Commission thanks every individual and organisation who provided submissions. The draft report will be released in July 2019 for public consultation. |
25 Feb | Commission to oversee forest monitoring program
The Premier has asked the Commission under a terms of reference to independently oversee and advise on a state-wide monitoring, evaluation, reporting and improvement program for NSW forests. The program will improve the evidence-base for decision-making for forest management across tenures. This will strengthen the NSW Government’s ability to strategically and adaptively manage forests and forestry practices over time, including state forests, national parks, private native forests and crown forested land. |
22 Feb | Commission announces koala research projects
The NSW Government has asked the Commission to oversee an independent research program to better understand how koalas are responding to regeneration harvesting in state forests on the NSW North Coast. The Commission has selected three research projects to investigate how koalas are responding to regeneration harvesting in state forests on the NSW North Coast. |
2018 News
13 Dec | NSW Government approves amendments to the Natural Resources Commission Act
The NSW Government has approved amendments to the Natural Resources Commission Act 2003 and these amendments have commenced on 10 December 2018. These amendments follow a Department of Premier and Cabinet review into the functions and performance of the Commission. The amendments will help further position the Commission as an independent source of high quality advice to Government into the future. The amendments clarify that the Commission's functions include:
The amendments also take the opportunity to update and modernise the object of the Act, including by replacing the reference to establishing a "sound scientific basis" with a reference to establishing a "sound evidence basis" for the properly informed management of natural resources in the social, economic and environmental interests of the State. The purpose of this amendment is to ensure that the Commission considers all scientific, environmental, economic, social and cultural knowledge in providing advice to Government. |
12 Nov | Commission invites submissions on water sharing plan reviews
The Commission invites submissions to inform its reviews of water sharing plans for the: Coffs Harbour Area Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2009; and the Central Coast Unregulated Water Sources 2009. Submissions close on 16 December 2018. |
18 Oct | Commission provides sustainable land management reforms audit report to the Minister
The Commission has provided its final audit report to the Minister for Primary Industries after completing an audit of Local Land Services’ implementation of sustainable land management reforms. |
13 Sep | Commission to lead new research on koalas
As a part of the NSW Koala Strategy, the Commission will lead new independent research on how koalas respond to native forest regeneration harvesting on north coast state forests. The Strategy commits $45 million over the next three years to conserve habitat, reduce threats and build new knowledge. |
20 Jul | Environmental Trust and EPA accept Commission's recommendations on contaminated land management
The Commission's evaluation of the Environmental Trust's Contaminated Land Management Program has assisted the Trust in determining future direction for the Program. The Environment Protection Authority has also accepted the Commission's recommendations and is working with the Trust to improve delivery and governance of the Program. |
13 Jun | NSW Government proposes expanded role for the Commission in water management
In June 2018, the NSW Government introduced the Water Management Amendment Bill 2018 to Parliament. The proposed bill would change and expand the Commission's role in relation to reviews and audits of water sharing plans. The Commission’s role in regards to review of water sharing plans would be revised to focus those reviews on the extent to which plan provisions contributed to triple bottom line outcomes. The Commission is proposed to take over the role of undertaking audits that would assess compliance with provisions of the water sharing plans within the first five years of the plan, under s.44 of the Act. Further, in conducting a review of management plans, the Minister will now be required to consult with the Commission, in addition to the Minister for the Environment. |
15 May | NSW Government adopts recommended settings for Coastal IFOA and process to remap old growth forests
The NSW Government has adopted the Commission’s recommended settings for the new draft Coastal Integrated Forestry Operations Approval (IFOA). The Government has now released the draft Coastal IFOA for public consultation. In addition, the Government has adopted the Commission’s supplementary advice for remapping old growth and rainforests. The Government will request the Commission to oversee further old growth remapping on north coast state forests. Read more |
7 May | Commission will lead new research under the NSW Koala Strategy
The NSW Government has released the NSW Koala Strategy. The strategy commits $45 million over the next three years to conserve habitat, reduce threats and build new knowledge. As part of the strategy, the Commission will lead new independent research on how koalas respond to native forest regeneration harvesting on north coast state forests. Read more about the NSW Koala Strategy on the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage website. Read more |
24 Apr | Government supports Commission’s recommendations to continue the supplementary pest control program
The NSW Government has decided to continue the supplementary pest control program in line with the Commission’s recommendations. In 2017, the Commission provided its final evaluation report to Government and recommended that the program continue and be expanded beyond the trial phase. Read more |
12 Mar | Commenced audits of emergency response capability and implementation of major reforms
The Commission has commenced audits of: (a) the emergency response capability of the Department of Primary Industries and Local Land Services for biosecurity emergencies and natural disasters that impact on agriculture and animal welfare; and (b) the implementation of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2017 by Local Land Services, focusing on whether its advice is accurate, consistent and timely. The Minister for Primary Industries requested the Commission to conduct these audits in response to the Commission’s 2017-2018 proposed risk-based audit plan for Local Land Services. Read more |
9 Mar | Commenced evaluation of Environmental Trust's Linking Landscapes project
The NSW Environmental Trust has engaged the Commission to evaluate the Linking Landscapes project. The Commission will evaluate the extent to which the project was appropriate, cost-effective and efficient in achieving specified objectives. Read more |
7 Feb | Extension to water sharing plan submissions
The Commission extended the date for providing submissions to inform its reviews of the Water Sharing Plan for the Bellinger River Area Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2008, and the Water Sharing Plan for the NSW Great Artesian Basin Groundwater Sources 2008. The submissions closed at 5:00pm on 28 February 2018. Read more |
2017 News
30 Nov | Dr John Keniry to head the Natural Resources Commission
The Premier of NSW today announced the appointment of Dr John Keniry as the Natural Resources Commissioner. He brings a wealth of experience to this important role. Dr Keniry previously served as the Commissioner of the Natural Resources Commission from December 2012 to December 2016. Alongside his time at the Commission, Dr Keniry has spent 20 years as a board member of the NSW Environment Protection Authority and six years as a member of the Prime Minister's Science, Engineering and Innovation Council. The Premier also acknowledged the outstanding leadership and contribution of Mr Brian Gilligan, who acted as a Commissioner since December 2016. |
13 Oct | Commenced evaluation of Catchment Action NSW
The Commission has commenced an end-of-program evaluation of Catchment Action NSW. This evaluation will provide assurance around Local Land Services’ delivery of the Catchment Action NSW funding, provided by the Office of Environment and Heritage. |
10 Oct | Completed evaluation of Environmental Trust's program
The Commission provided its final report on the evaluation of the Environmental Trust’s Restoration and Rehabilitation Program. This program represents approximately 40 percent of the Trust’s total contestable grants funding. The program has been funding projects for local priorities for over 25 years, and has funded over 1000 projects worth approximately $70 million. |
20 Nov | Have your say on the water sharing plan reviews
The Commission invites submissions to inform its reviews of the Water Sharing Plan for the Bellinger River Area Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2008, and the Water Sharing Plan for the NSW Great Artisan Basin Groundwater Source 2008. Submissions close at 5:00pm on 16 February 2018. |
16 Oct | Commenced reviews of water sharing plans
The Commission has commenced review of the Water Sharing Plan for the NSW Border Rivers Regulated River Water Source 2009. The review of two other water sharing plans will follow. The Commission’s review will advise the Minister on the extent these plans have contributed towards the achievement of the State priorities for Local Land Services, and whether changes to plan provisions are warranted. |
1 Jun | Government response to the Commission's review of pest animal management
The NSW Government has responded to the Commission's Final Report - Shared problem, Shared solutions - on the review of pest animal management in NSW. The final report was prepared in response to a Terms of Reference from Government requesting a state-wide review of pest animal management. |
13 Apr | Call for submissions for water sharing plan reviews
The Commission is reviewing the Water Sharing Plan for the Border Rivers Regulated River Water Source. This review is occurring in parallel with DPI Water's water resource development plan process. DPI Water and the Commission are jointly calling for submissions to inform their respective processes. Submissions can be provided until Friday, 26 May 2017. |
14 Mar | A systematic review of ground-based shooting for pest animal control
As part of the Commission's three year evaluation of the supplementary pest control trial, the Commission engaged the Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre to conduct a review of ground-based shooting as a pest animal control technique. The review revealed that ground shooting can make important contributions to the management of pests but shooting alone is often insufficient or prohibitively inefficient to achieve desired outcomes. |
8 Mar | Final report on supplementary pest control trial submitted to Government
On 27 February 2017, the Commission submitted its final report on the supplementary pest control trial to the Premier of NSW, and the Minister for the Environment, Local Government and Heritage. After receiving a response from the Government, the Commission will make the report publicly available on this website. The Commission thanks all those who participated in the review, and provided valuable feedback and insights that informed final recommendations. |
7 Mar | Advice on review of Coastal Integrated Forestry Operations Approval
The Premier asked the Commission to review outstanding settings for the proposed new Coastal Integrated Forestry Operations Approval (IFOA), and provide in-confidence advice on the extent to which the proposed IFOA settings would, or would not, deliver the Government’s commitments. The Commission has provided its advice to Government. |
7 Mar | Advice on review of Coastal Integrated Forestry Operations Approval
The Premier asked the Commission to review outstanding settings for the proposed new Coastal Integrated Forestry Operations Approval (IFOA), and provide in-confidence advice on the extent to which the proposed IFOA settings would, or would not, deliver the Government’s commitments. The Commission has provided its advice to Government. |
14 Feb | Landcare baseline study
The Commission released its Landcare baseline study final report today. The report provides a breakdown of Local Land Services’ expenditure on Landcare and community groups in the 2014-15 financial year. It also provides a baseline for Local Land Services’ funding of these groups prior to the start of the Local Landcare Coordinators’ Initiative. |
2016 News
20 Dec | Audits of Local Land Services' governance and communications
The Commission released its audit reports on Local Land Services’ governance and communications today. The reports provide the results and recommendations from each audit. The release of reports coincides with the NSW Government’s response to the Commission’s audit recommendations. The NSW Government supports all of the Commission’s recommendations. |
23 Nov | Cost of pest animals in NSW
As part of the Commission's 2016 Pest Animal Review, the Commission engaged Dr Ross McLeod to update the two most recent and comprehensive national studies into the economic costs of pest animals which were conducted by McLeod (2004) and Gong et al. (2009). This updated work revealed that the impacts from rabbits, wild dogs, pigs, introduced birds, foxes, carp and feral goats cost the NSW economy at least $170 million per annum. |
9 Dec | Brian Gilligan appointed to the Commission
Brian Gilligan has been appointed as Acting Commissioner to the Natural Resources Commission. He has 40 years’ experience in education and environment protection in the public sector, including serving as the Director General of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service after a period as Executive Director Operations with the Environment Protection Authority. |
7 Nov | Commission asked to review Coastal IFOA
The Premier has asked the Commission to review outstanding settings for the proposed new Coastal Integrated Forestry Operations Approval, and provide in-confidence advice on the extent to which the proposed IFOA settings would, or would not, deliver the Government’s commitments. |
16 Aug | Final report on pest animal management submitted to Government
The Commission submitted the final report on the state-wide review of pest animal management, Shared Problem, Shared Solutions, to the Premier of NSW on 5 August 2016. Once the NSW Government has provided its response, the final report will be made publicly available on the Commission’s website. The Commission thanks all those who participated in the review, providing valuable feedback and insights that informed the final recommendations.> |
29 Jul | Establishing baseline of Local Land Services’ expenditure on Landcare
The Commission is conducting a baseline study to determine Local Land Services’ expenditure on Landcare and community groups in 2014-15. This study forms part of the monitoring and evaluation component of the Local Landcare Coordinators’ Initiative. |
13 Jul | Government supports Commission’s advice to replace seven water sharing plans
The Commission received feedback from the Minister for Lands and Water supporting the recommendation to replace seven water sharing plans approaching expiry. The Commission submitted its review report to Government in April 2016. |
24 Jun | Over 400 submissions received on pest animal review
The Commission received over 400 submissions on the draft report which are now available on the pest animal review page. The Commission is now considering the submissions and finalising its report. |
20 Jun | Audits of Local Land Services
The Commission has completed its audits of governance and communications of Local Land Services and submitted its final reports to Government. |
20 Jun | Review of seven water sharing plans submitted to Government
The Commission has submitted to Government its report on the review of six inland alluvial aquifer plans and one coastal water sharing plan. |
11 Jun | Review of Catchment Action NSW funding to Local Land Services
The Office of Environment and Heritage appointed the Commission to carry out a mid-term review of Local Land Services’ delivery of Catchment Action NSW funding in 2014-15. The Commission has now finalised its report. |
19 May | Submissions for the pest animal review now close on 30 May
The Commission will be receiving late submissions on the draft report until 30 May 2016. In particular, the Commission seeks feedback on your reasons for support or non-support of the draft recommendations. If you are unable to provide submission, using our online submissions form, you can provide submission via email, fax or mail. |
27 Apr | Progress with audits of Local Land Services performance
In June 2015, the Minister endorsed the Commission’s two-year audit plan for Local Land Services, and requested the Commission complete two priority audits of governance and communications. The Commission has completed its audit of Local Land Services' governance in October 2015 and submitted the final audit report to the Minister. The communications audit is due for completion in May 2016. |
21 Apr | RSVP to a public meeting on pest animal review
Join the Commission at a public meeting to have your say on the draft report on pest animal management in NSW – Shared Problem, Shared Solutions. Meetings will be held from 10:30am to 12:30pm at Grafton (27 April), Tamworth (29 April), Nowra (3 May), Orange (6 May), Deniliquin (11 May), Sydney (13 May) and Bourke (17 May). You can RSVP here. |
4 Apr | Early positive results from trialling volunteer pest control in national parks
The Commission has released an interim report to evaluate the supplementary pest control trial program. The report finds that the trial program is building significant positive relationships among volunteers, neighbours, Aboriginal groups, and National Parks and Wildlife Service staff. |
31 Mar | Pest animal draft report calls for major reform
The Commission has released a draft report; Shared Problem, Shared Solutions, following an extensive consultation with landholders and relevant community, industry, and environment groups. The draft report is in response to a request from the Premier of NSW to undertake an independent, state-wide review of pest animal management in NSW. |
27 Jan | Consultation for review of water sharing plans completed - report coming soon
The Commission has completed consultation for the review of six inland alluvial aquifer plans and one coastal water sharing plan. The Commission is now reviewing the submissions to inform its advice to the Minister. |
19 Jan | Review of the Natural Resources Commission Act
The Department of Premier and Cabinet is currently reviewing the Natural Resources Commission Act 2003. The Department has prepared an issues paper for public consideration and comment. Submissions closed on 15 February 2016. |
2015 News
15 Oct | Issues paper on review of pest animal management The Natural Resources Commission has released an issues paper exploring opportunities for reform of pest animal management in NSW. In September 2015, the Premier of NSW asked the Commission to review the management of pest animals in NSW across all tenures for environmental, economic and social benefits. The review will identify opportunities for improving arrangements for pest animal management in NSW. |
02 Sep | Minister announces Local Landcare Coordinators Initiative NSW Minister for Primary Industries, Lands and Water Niall Blair has today announced details of the $15 million NSW Local Landcare Coordinators Initiative, which will unlock the full potential of Landcare volunteers across the state. |
02 Sep | Evaluation of Roadside Vegetation Implementation Project The Natural Resources Commission and the Office of Water are reviewing seven water sharing plans in 2015. The Commission’s review will inform the Minister on the extent of water sharing plans’ contribution to the state priorities for Local Land Services that relate to natural resource management (as defined in the Local Land Services Act 2013), and whether changes to water sharing plan provisions are warranted. |
20 Aug | Review of water sharing plans The Natural Resources Commission provided advice to the Environmental Trust in December 2014 in the form of two reports, an evaluation of Stages 1 and 2 of the Roadside Vegetation Implementation Project, and a report with advice for investment priorities for a possible third stage of the Project. The Trust has considered the Commission’s advice and has accepted or partially accepted all of the recommendations. |
15 Jun | Conducting performance audits of Local Land Services The Minister has endorsed the Natural Resources Commission’s two-year audit plan for Local Land Services, and requested the Commission complete two priority audits of governance and communications. The Commission has commenced its governance audit of Local Land Services. |
03 Mar | Introducing audits of Local Land Services performance The Natural Resources Commission released a brochure introducing its independent audits of Local Land Services performance. The Commission's audits provide assurance for decision-makers and add value to the Local Land Services business. During March and April 2015, the Commission will be consulting with Local Land Services, investors and stakeholders. Their feedback will be used to inform the audit plan for the next two years. |
2014 News
12 Dec | Advice on funding allocation to Local Land Services The Natural Resources Commission has advised Local Land Services on the allocation of Catchment Action NSW funds between Local Land Services regions for 2015-16 and 2016-17. Catchment Action NSW is the NSW Government’s regionally-delivered project funding to address state natural resource management priorities. |
13 Nov | Annual Report 2013-14 tabled in Parliament On 12 November 2014, the Natural Resources Commission's Annual Report 2013-14 was tabled in the Parliament. |
10 Nov | Draft Performance Standard for Local Land Services In November 2014, the Natural Resources Commission released the final draft of the Performance Standard for Local Land Services. Before that in September 2014, the Commission released the Draft Standard (Version 0.3). Comments on the Draft Standard were received until 10 October 2014. The Commission considered all comments in finalising the Standard. |
7 Oct | Evaluation framework for supplementary pest control In August 2014, the Natural Resources Commission (NRC) released an overview of the evaluation framework as a part of its role to evaluate the supplementary pest control trial program. The overview document provides the scope and objectives of the evaluation, how the evaluation will be conducted, and the evaluation milestones and deliverables. |
23 Jun | Final report on review of weed management In May 2014, the Natural Resources Commission submitted a final report to the Minister for Primary Industries detailing recommendations and findings for its review of weed management in NSW. The NSW Government has formally responded to the recommendations and details are available on the Department of Primary Industries website. |
16 Jun | Draft report on management of cypress forests in Brigalow and Nandewar The Natural Resources Commission submitted a draft report (including a supporting profile and map book) to Government that outlines findings and recommendations of its review of cypress management in the Brigalow and Nandewar State Conservation Areas. |
15 Apr | Brochure on healthy resilient landscapes The Natural Resources Commission (NRC) released a brochure Healthy Resilient Landscapes that explains natural resource management and the role of the NRC. |
17 Feb | Draft report on review of weed management The Natural Resources Commission released a draft report that outlines findings and recommendations for its review of weed management in NSW. |
2013 News
15 Nov | Review of cypress management in the Brigalow and Nandewar State Conservation Areas The Natural Resources Commission released a paper providing working definition of key concepts in the Terms of Reference for this review. |
25 Oct | Issues paper on the review of weed management in NSW The Natural Resources Commission has released an issues paper to clarify priority issues, seek stakeholder and community views about barriers and opportunities, and identify relevant evidence to inform the review. |
18 Oct | Advice on allocation of Catchment Action NSW funding to Local Land Services The Natural Resources Commission has provided its report in September 2013, recommending that the Minister adopt the NRC’s recommended funding profile for the pool of $56 million of Catchment Action NSW funding to Local Land Services for 2014-16. |
01 Oct | Supplementary pest control Environment Minister Robyn Parker has announced a three year scientific trial using skilled volunteers to boost pest animal control efforts in 12 national parks and reserves in western NSW. The Natural Resources Commission (NRC) is working with the Office of Environment and Heritage to develop the monitoring and evaluation program for the trial. The NRC will also independently review the outcomes of the program over the three years to 2016 to determine whether the trial was successful and if it should be expanded across NSW. |
27 Sep | Review of 2004 water sharing plans The Natural Resources Commission has reviewed the 2004 water sharing plans and provided final report to the Minister in June 2013. The Minister has now made a decision about the replacement or extension of the 2004 water sharing plans. |
30 Aug | Minister announces listing of Yellow Mimosa as a feral native species The Minister for the Environment announced that Yellow Mimosa has been listed as a feral native plant species under native vegetation regulations. This decision is based on the Natural Resources Commission's recommendations. |
23 Aug | Catchment action plans assessed and approved The Minister for Primary Industries has accepted the Natural Resources Commission's recommendations and approved the catchment action plans for Murray, Hawkesbury-Nepean, Lachlan, Western, Border Rivers-Gwydir, Hunter-Central Rivers, Northern Rivers, Murrumbidgee and Southern Rivers regions. |
16 Aug | Better practice guide for adapting catchment action plans The Natural Resources Commission has prepared a Better Practice Guide to assist CMAs in adapting their catchment action plans to fit Local Land Services boundaries, as the CMAs transition into Local Land Services. |
28 Jun | Natural Resource Management Roundtable In June 2013, the Natural Resources Commission held a Natural Resource Management Roundtable to reflect on progress achieved by regional natural resource management over the last 10 years and explore priorities for natural resource management in future. |
21 Jun | Review of water sharing plans The Natural Resources Commission provided final advice on the review of 2004 water sharing plans to the Minister. This advice is under consideration by the Minister and will be made public following the Minister’s decision on whether to extend or replace the plans. |
14 Jun | Assessment of four upgraded catchment action plans The Natural Resources Commission completed the assessment of Hawkesbury-Nepean, Lachlan, Murray and Western Catchment Action Plans, and recommended to the Minister for Primary Industries that these plans be approved. In addition, we also advised Government on lessons learned from assessing catchment action plans to help Local Land Services develop strategic plans that integrate their functions. |
07 Jun | Advice on funding allocation to CMAs In response to a Ministerial request, the Natural Resources Commission has recommended a funding profile for allocating Catchment Action NSW funding to catchment management authorities for 2013-14. |
31 May | Advice on listing of Yellow Mimosa as a feral native species In response to a ministerial request, the Natural Resources Commission provided its final report to the Minister for the Environment recommending that Yellow Mimosa be listed as a feral native species in the Border Rivers-Gwydir, Namoi and Central West Catchment Management Authorities regions, as well as across all of NSW. |
26 Apr | Assessment of five upgraded catchment action plans The Natural Resources Commission completed the assessment of Border Rivers-Gwydir, Hunter-Central Rivers, Murrumbidgee, Northern Rivers and Southern Rivers Catchment Action Plans, and recommended to the Minister for Primary Industries that these plans be approved. |
2012 News
2011 News
12 Dec | New Commissioner for natural resources Dr John Keniry has joined the NRC as its new Commissioner. He was awarded an Order of Australia in 2005 and a Centenary Medal in 2003. He also chairs the Sydney Institute of Marine Science, the Cooperative Research Centres for the Pork and Sheep industries and the Australian Wool Exchange. He is a member of the NSW Environment Protection Authority Board. See Commissioners and Executives profile for more details. |
04 Nov | NRC submission to the NSW planning system review The NRC submission focused on the operation of the State Environmental Planning Policy No. 71—Coastal Protection, but also covered other issues relevant to the overall alignment between natural resource management and statutory land use planning. |
02 Sep | Updated framework for assessing and recommending upgraded catchment action plans The NRC released a framework for assessing and recommending upgraded catchment action plans v1.1. |
31 May | Framework for assessing and recommending upgraded catchment action plans The NRC released a framework for assessing and recommending upgraded catchment action plans. The framework sets expectations so that all 13 catchment management authorities (CMAs) and their partners can upgrade their catchment action plans in a regionally-appropriate way, confident in the framework that will be used for assessment. The framework was developed through a pilot process in which Central West and Namoi CMAs developed draft upgraded catchment action plans for their regions and the NRC conducted a trial assessment of these catchment action plans. |
21 Apr | New brochure - Resilient landscapes and communities The NRC released a brochure titled Resilient Landscapes and Communities that explains the role of the Standard, catchment action plans, targets and audits in managing natural resources in NSW. |
03 Mar | Advice on proposed amendments to streamline assessment process for clearing native vegetation In February 2011, the NRC provided advice to Government on proposed amendments to Chapter 8 of the Assessment Methodology. Our report provides details of recommendations, our review of proposed amendments and the challenges of consulting on practical amendments. The Minister for Climate Change and the Environment considered the NRC advice and amended the original proposals to address the key concerns raised. |
19 Jan | Alignment of water planning and catchment planning The National Water Commission has released a report on alignment of water planning and catchment planning. This report is the final output of the Integration of Water Planning and Catchment Planning (NSW) project—the NRC is on the steering committee of this project. The project sets out principles for aligning water allocation and catchment plans. A framework was developed and then trialled in the Hunter region of NSW. |
2010 News
24 Dec | Proposed amendments to streamline assessment process for clearing native vegetation On 22 December 2010, the Minister for Climate Change and the Environment sought independent advice from the NRC by 4 February 2011 on proposed amendments to the Environmental Outcomes Assessment Methodology (Assessment Methodology). The proposed amendments are intended to streamline the assessment procedure for clearing native vegetation and reduce processing times for Property Vegetation Plans. The proposed amendments consist of a proposed new Chapter 8 in the Assessment Methodology and consequential administrative amendments to the existing Chapter 2. Submissions to the NRC on the proposed amendments are welcome until 22 January 2011. |
23 Dec | Audit report - Murray The NRC has released its report on the second audit of the implementation of Murray Catchment Action Plan. |
14 Dec | 2010 report on progress towards healthy resilient landscapes A comprehensive review of the pioneering steps taken by NSW in 2003 to reform natural resource management clearly shows the model is delivering results. The review concluded that the NSW model for natural resource management is achieving significant success in supporting private landholders to more sustainably manage their land for their own and everyone else's long term benefit. However, it is too early, given the extent of historical landscape degradation, to see whether these local successes are adding up to a state-wide improvement in the health of NSW water, land, biodiversity and communities. |
23 Nov | Review of Catchment Action NSW funding allocation The NRC has provided its final report Review of Catchment Action NSW Funding Allocation to Catchment Management Authorities to the NSW Government. For the past three years Catchment Action NSW investment funds have been allocated using a six-stage decision process, which includes a multi-criteria analysis decision support tool. Through a Terms of Reference, the NSW Government asked the NRC to recommend improvements to this process, and to recommend how the pool of Catchment Action NSW funding is to be allocated between the 13 catchment management authorities in 2011–12 and 2012–13. This report explains the NRC's recommended improvements for the decision-making process. It explains the rationale for and issues involved in making the proposed changes, including the resultant funding profiles if they are implemented. |
28 Oct | Report on mid-term review of the Snowy Mountains cloud seeding trial The NRC has provided to the Government its mid-term review of the Snowy Mountains cloud seeding trial covering the period 2004 to 2009. The review was based on Snowy Hydro's 2009 Snowy Precipitation Enhancement Research Project Annual Report. The key findings of the review are that: the trial is being conducted in compliance with the Act; the trial is not having any adverse environmental impacts, including adverse impacts on rainfall in down-wind areas; and there is evidence that cloud seeding has increased snowfall in the target area, under defined weather and operating conditions. |
18 Oct | Commissioner speaks at the AEF conference Dr John Williams, Commissioner, spoke at the Australian Environment Foundation's 2010 Annual Conference in Brisbane. His presentation looked at whether policy change can save the environment. In addition, he provided a paper discussing cause and effect of native vegetation in NSW. |
09 Aug | Commissioner speaks at the Aapresid Congress in Argentina Dr John Williams, Commissioner, was the keynote speaker at the 18th Aapresid Congress, Rosario, Argentina. Dr Williams talked about agriculture, water and catchment management in Australia and how it relates to Argentina. In addition, he gave a presentation to government officials on hydrology and water scarcity in the Murray Darling Basin. |
30 Jun | Commissioner's keynote addresses Dr John Williams, Commissioner, was the keynote speaker at the Urban Salt 2010 Conference, and at the ATSE International Workshop Series. At the Urban Salt 2010 Conference, Dr Williams talked about the challenges in dealing with urban salinity, and at the ATSE Workshop, he addressed water resource trade-offs between bulk users, urban consumption and the environment. |
07 Jun | Assessment report - South-western cypress state forests The NRC has provided to the NSW Government its assessment report on sustainable management of the south-western cypress state forests. The report makes 10 recommendations for ongoing management of these forests as part of the broader landscape. |
08 Mar | Advice on proposed amendments to Chapter 7 of the Assessment Methodology On 15 February 2010, the NRC provided advice to the Minister for Climate Change and the Environment on proposed amendments to Chapter 7 (Invasive Native Scrub Assessment) of the Environmental Outcomes Assessment Methodology. The NRC recommended that the Minister adopt all of the proposed amendments with minor changes to clearing types. |
28 Feb | Summary of available information and call for submissions on south-western cypress state forests The NRC has released a summary of available information and call for submissions on the south-western cypress state forests. The purpose of this document is to seek submissions from stakeholders on any further information and insights that can contribute to the NRC's assessment. The report also explains how the NRC will assess these forests, and summarises the key issues and information sources currently available to complete the assessment. |
25 Feb | Commissioner's presentation Dr John Williams, Commissioner, was the chairperson at the 2nd Annual Water Leaders Congress 2010. In his paper - Can We Secure Our Food Whilst Maintaining Our Environment? - Dr Williams addressed the urgent need to give priority attention to food production whilst maintaining the quality of the resource base from which it is produced. |
2009 News
21 Dec | Final assessment report on river red gum forests The NRC has provided to the Government its final assessment report and the recommendations report on the future of red gum forests in the Riverina bioregion. The final assessment report: draws together the best available science and knowledge on the river red gum and woodland forests of the Riverina bioregion; outlines what we know about the values of the forests and their current management; and draws out the key issues to underpin recommendations to the Government on their future management. |
11 Dec | Audits of six more catchment action plans With the completion of six audits in November 2009 (Lachlan, Murrumbidgee, Namoi, Northern Rivers, Southern Rivers and Sydney Metropolitan CMAs), the NRC has completed audits of all 13 CMAs' implementation of regional Catchment Action Plans. The audit reports are available from the following webpage. |
19 Nov | Report on progress towards native vegetation extent and condition target The NRC has reported assessment of progress made towards the native vegetation extent and condition target in NSW. This target is one of the Biodiversity theme targets. The NRC has reported progress in the form of a Snapshot, a Technical Report and a Technical Analysis. |
20 Oct | Commissioner opens the Australian National Field Days Dr John Williams opened the 58th Australian National Field Days at Orange. The event aimed to foster innovation in agriculture. Dr Williams spoke on the theme of Changing Agriculture in a Changing Environment. |
15 Oct | Commissioner's address at the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand Dr John Williams addressed the gathering at an event hosted by the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand. He commended the commitment of environmental professionals and added that it is time that our society realises that unless we give high priority to looking after our natural resource assets – we put at risk the very society itself. |
30 Sep | Preliminary assessment report on red gum forests assessment The NRC has assessed the river red gum forests in the Riverina bioregin and released its preliminary assessment report. The information in the report will help interested parties to make submissions to the NRC on how Government can best promote conservation outcomes and a sustainable future for the forest. |
07 Sep | Commissioner's lecture at the Hunter Valley Research Foundation "Our natural assets underpin all the things that make our lives possible and enjoyable," said Dr John Williams while delivering his lecture in the Hunter Valley Research Foundation's 14th Annual Lecture Series. He discussed the environmental challenges that will confront the state and strategies put in place to address them. |
22 Jun | Advice on proposed amendments to Chapters 2 and 5 of the Environmental Outcomes Assessment Methodology In May 2009, the Minister for Climate Change and the Environment sought the NRC's advice on proposed amendments to Chapters 2 and 5 of the Assessment Methodology. The NRC consulted with the Department of Environment and Climate Change, reviewed public submissions and considered review reports from independent experts before providing advice to the Minister. |
26 May | Progress report on the Snowy Mountains cloud seeding trial The NRC provided a progress report (Apr 09) to Government by evaluating Snowy Hydro's environmental reporting, as contained within its 2007 and 2008 annual reports. The NRC also visited cloud seeding sites in the Snowy Mountains and consulted with Snowy Hydro and a number of affected stakeholders. |
24 Apr | Research on NRM models and frameworks The NRC has engaged Dr Rod Griffith (Rod Griffith & Associates) to assist in the compilation and evaluation of alternative natural resource management (NRM) models. This paper is aimed at informing the debate over improvements to catchment management authority (CMA) governance both within the current legislative framework, in relation to the upcoming review of CMA legislation and the mid-term review of the standard, targets and catchment action plans. |
22 Apr | Audit report - Border Rivers Gwydir The NRC provided to the Government audit report for the Border Rivers Gwydir Catchment Management Authority. This reports provide greater understanding of the CMA's performance and guides the CMA Board in continued improvement. |
06 Apr | Audit reports - Central West and Lower Murray Darling The NRC provided to the Government audit reports for the Central West Catchment Management Authority and the Lower Murray Darling Catchment Management Authority. These reports provide greater understanding of each CMA's performance and guide the CMA Board in continued improvement. |
23 Mar | Investment funding allocations to catchment management authorities The NRC provided its advice to the Government on investment funding allocations to Catchment Management Authorities in 2008-09. The report provides a useful illustration of how the six-stage funding allocation process can be applied in practice. |
12 Mar | Audit reports - Hunter Central Rivers and Hawkesbury Nepean The NRC provided to the Government audit reports for the Hunter Central Rivers Catchment Management Authority and the Hawkesbury Nepean Catchment Management Authority. These reports provide greater understanding of each CMA's performance and guide the CMA Board in continued improvement. |
04 Mar | Commissioner chairs the Australian Water Association conference Dr John Williams, Commissioner, chaired and presented at the Australian Water Association Conference held at Sydney on 4 March 2009. John discussed the way forward for catchment management, including the impact of climate change. Bryce Wilde, Program Manager, NRC, presented the successes and challenges related to progress of catchment action plans in NSW. |
2008 News
02 Dec | Progress report on effective implementation of catchment action plans The NRC provided its progress report to the NSW Government. The report draws largely on our audits of seven of the 13 Catchment Management Authorities (CMAs') implementation of Catchment Action Plans. Overall, the report finds that CMAs are delivering clear results on the ground, are working with their communities to better manage the land and building understanding around the once contentious native vegetation reforms. In NSW, all the parts of the regional model are now well established. But of course there is room for improvement, both by CMAs and the other players. |
01 Aug | Commissioner addresses the NSW Land for Wildlife Conference Dr John Williams, Commissioner, was the keynote speaker at the NSW Land for Wildlife Conference held at Sydney on 1-2 August 2008. His presentation emphasised the importance of conservation on private land and everyone's role in contributing to the achievement of natural resource management outcomes. |
11 Jun | Recommendation - Sydney Metro Catchment Action Plan The NRC has recommended to the Government the Sydney Metro Catchment Management Authority's (CMA's) Catchment Action Plan (CAP) for approval. The NRC's recommendation includes specific actions to be taken by the CMA to improve its capacity to further develop and implement its CAP. It also outlines areas where the CMA will require support from the NSW Government. |
04 Apr | Allocating NRM funding between NSW catchment management authorities The Premier of NSW provided a Terms of Reference and the NRC submitted a report 'Allocating NRM funding between NSW Catchment Management Authorities' to the Premier, recommending a six stage process for determining funding allocations. |
07 Jan | Expression of Interest for natural resource audits The NRC is seeking Expression of Interest to appoint a partner organisation to assist with a new innovative program of audits of the effectiveness of government investments in natural resource management. Performance auditors, environmental auditors and natural resource auditors may be interested in this appointment. The audit program will commence mid February 2008. |
2007 News
18 Dec | Helping everyone in NRM to understand the Standard The NRC has released the document 'An introduction to the Standard for Quality NRM' to help everyone involved in NRM to understand the Standard and its benefits. |
28 Nov | NRC releases its 2006-07 Annual Report The NRC forwarded to the Premier its 2006-07 Annual Report for presentation to the NSW Parliament. |
07 Nov | Commissioner addresses NSW Coastal Conference Dr John Williams, Commissioner, gave a presentation during his plenary address at the 16th NSW Coastal Conference 2007 at Yamba. His paper 'Challenges for integrated natural resource management in coastal NSW' was well received by the delegates. |
25 Oct | Commissioner gives keynote address at State Landcare Forum Dr John Williams, Commissioner, was the keynote speaker at the Namoi Landcare Management and State Landcare Forum 2007 at Tamworth. His paper 'Future landscapes - moving forward together' formed part of the Forum proceedings. |
22 Oct | Draft framework for auditing the implementation of catchment action plans The NRC is seeking submissions on its Draft Framework for Auditing the Implementation of Catchment Action Plans by Friday 30 November 2007. One of the NRC's specific functions under the Natural Resources Commission Act 2003 is to audit the effectiveness of the implementation of catchment action plans in achieving compliance with the Standard for Quality Natural Resource Management and the state-wide targets, adopted by the Government in November 2005. The draft audit framework explains how the NRC will conduct audits to provide confidence and promote improvement. |
01 Aug | Scientific review - Lower Lachlan Groundwater Sharing Plan The NRC submitted its report to the Premier on scientific review of Lower Lachlan Groundwater Sharing Plan. The Government has considered the NRC's advice and amendments to the Lower Lachlan Groundwater Sharing Plan are currently on public exhibition. |
16 Jul | Lower Murray Darling Catchment Action Plan The NRC provided advice to the Government recommending the approval of the Lower Murray Darling Catchment Action Plan. |
26 Jun | Progress report on the Snowy Mountains cloud seeding trial The NRC provided a progress report on the Snowy Mountains cloud seeding trial to the Minister for Climate Change, Environment and Water and the Minister for Planning. The NRC provided its recommendations after visiting cloud seeding sites, consulting with Snowy Hydro and a number of affected stakeholders, and evaluating Snowy Hydro's environmental reporting in its 2005 and 2006 annual reports. |
15 Jun | MER: Comparative review of institutional models The purpose of this review was to gain insight for parties involved in implementing monitoring, evaluation and reporting (MER) system for natural resource management (NRM) in NSW. The report, MER: A comparative review of three institutional models, presents a comparative assessment of three institutional models in order to assess why MER is effective in other jurisdictions and industries. |
14 Jun | Landscape approach to vegetation management The NRC has completed a review of landscape vegetation plans and submitted its final report, A landscape approach to vegetation management, to the Minister for Climate Change, Environment and Water.The NRC believes its recommended landscape approach to vegetation management will ensure the Government is in a better position to meet its state-wide targets for natural resource management. |
23 Apr | Master planning under SEPP 71 - Periodic progress report The NRC provided a periodic progress report to the Minister for Planning, summarising its recommendations on SEPP 71 matters since November 2006. |
15 Jan | Advice on revised general amendments to EOAM The NRC provided advice to the Minister for Natural Resources on proposed general amendments to the Environmental Outcomes Assessment Methodology (EOAM). |
2006 News
14 Dec | Recommendations on three catchment action plans The NRC reviewed Catchment Action Plans (CAPs) of the Hawkesbury Nepean, Murray and Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authorities (CMAs) and provided individual recommendations to the Government on whether they should be approved. Now the NRC has provided advice on 11 of the 13 CMAs' CAPs. |
28 Nov | Review of revised general amendments to EOAM The Minister for Natural Resources has withdrawn the previously proposed general amendments to the EOAM, and provided the NRC with revised general amendments for its review and advice. |
15 Nov | Advice on Water Sharing Plan for the Lower Lachlan Groundwater Resource The NRC provided advice to the Premier after reviewing the scientific basis of aspects of the Water Sharing Plan for the Lower Lachlan Groundwater Resource prior to the plan's commencement. The Terms of Reference were received in October. |
02 Nov | Review of Soil Assessment chapter and general amendments to EOAM The Minister for Natural Resources has asked the NRC to review and provide advice on the Soil Assessment chapter and some general amendments to the EOAM. These amendments are proposed by the Department of Natural Resources. |
26 Oct | Advice on invasive native scrub The NRC provided advice to the Ministers for Natural Resources and the Environment on proposed changes to the Invasive Native Scrub chapter of the EOAM. |
27 Sep | Recommendations on eight catchment action plans The NRC reviewed eight of the 13 CMAs' CAPs and provided individual recommendations to the Government on whether they should be approved. The NRC has also reviewed drafts of the remaining three CAPs while one CAP is yet to be submitted to the NRC. |
27 Sep | Consolidated report on progress of catchment action plans The NRC provided a consolidated report to the Government on the progress of catchment action plans - their place in current and future NRM in NSW. This report explains the 'big picture' context in which the CAPs were prepared, and provides an overview of the NRC's assessment of them, the key areas for improvement, and the assistance required from government agencies. |
10 Aug | Review of recommended changes on Invasive Native Scrub The Minister for Natural Resources asked the NRC to advise him and the Minister for the Environment on the suitability of recommendations made in a report produced by the INS Review Group. Recommendations include proposed changes to the Invasive Native Scrub chapter of the EOAM. |
22 May | Review of Snowy Hydro's cloud seeding trial The Minister for the Environment asked the NRC to review the Snowy Hydro's Snowy Precipitation Enhancement Research Project Annual Report 2004 and provide advice on progress of the trial, its environmental impacts to date, and the validity of its environmental monitoring elements. |
28 Feb | Extension of due date for submissions to the issues paper for landscape or multi-farm vegetation plans The NRC amended its process for the landscape vegetation plan review. This change allows the due date for submissions on the issues paper to be extended to 17 March 2006. The NRC will next release a draft report on the review, planned for early April 2006 (it will no longer be releasing an options paper). |
21 Feb | Government adopts the Standard and state-wide targets In February 2006, the NSW Government adopted the remaining state-wide targets for natural resource management. The Government has previously adopted the Standard for Quality Natural Resource Management and a core set of state-wide targets in May 2005. |
2005 News
01 Dec | NRC's new role under the Native Vegetation Act 2003 The Native Vegetation Act 2003 commenced on 1 December and the NRC is now required to provide formal advice to the Minister for Natural Resources about any proposed changes to the Environmental Outcomes Assessment Methodology. For matters related to biodiversity, it will provide advice to the Minister for the Environment. In addition, the NRC may propose changes to the Assessment Methodology. |
30 Nov | Systems reviews of all 13 CMAs completed The NRC completed systems reviews of all 13 CMAs and is now assisting them as they prepare action plans to address the key findings from their systems reviews. The NRC is also preparing to review draft CAPs so that it can provide advice to the Government on whether they should be approved. |
21 Nov | Advice on Snowy Hydro's cloud seeding trial The NRC reviewed the Snowy Hydro's Snowy Precipitation Enhancement Research Project Annual Report 2004 and provided advice to the Government on progress of the trial, its environmental impacts to date, and the validity of its environmental monitoring elements. |
14 Nov | NRC to conduct a review of landscape scale vegetation plans The Government asked the NRC to provide advice on the potential for Landscape Vegetation Plans to produce better economic as well as environmental outcomes than single-farm, or property vegetation plans, and to develop an approach for assessing landscape scale vegetation management plans that may be submitted by multiple landholders under the Native Vegetation Act 2003. |
15 Oct | Systems reviews of all CMAs started The NRC started systems reviews of CMAs to assess the extent to which CMAs systems are consistent with the recommended Standard. These reviews will also inform the NRC's review of CMAs' CAPs and recommendations to the Government on whether the CAPs should be approved. |
09 Sep | Self-help audit tools for CMAs To help CMAs understand and prepare for systems reviews, the NRC has developed a suite of self-help tools which are now available to CMAs. |
09 Sep | Guide to Using the Standard The NRC prepared a Guide to using the Standard to assist CMAs in applying the Standard and gaining maximum benefit from it. The Guide contains a range of information including case studies and reference material. |
05 Sep | Final recommendations to Government on Standard and targets In response to the NRC's May 2005 report, the Government asked the NRC to refine some of the state-wide targets and to recommend appropriate arrangements for monitoring and evaluating progress towards the targets. The NRC has completed these tasks and consolidated this additional work with its previous recommendations in a final report which it provided to the Government in early September. |