Environmental Trust - Linear Reserves Program

Advice provided
Advice date:
November 2022
The NSW Environmental Trust asked us to evaluate its Linear Reserves Program. Between 2016 and 2020, the Trust funded this program to improve the management of the conservation values of linear reserves.
The Linear Reserves Program consisted of two separately funded projects:
- Managing Travelling Stock Reserves for Sustainable Conservation Outcomes project ($4.75 million)
- Council Roadside Reserves project ($2.08 million).
In November 2022, we provided our final report to the Environmental Trust. The evaluation found that both projects helped build the capacity of land managers to better manage linear reserves.
The Managing Travelling Stock Reserves project generated considerable new data on conservation values on travelling stock reserves, made this data available through a publicly accessible database, and rolled out fit-for-purpose training.
The Council Roadside Reserves project improved council capabilities in conservation management of roadside reserves and produced a range of resources for roadside reserve management.
Our evaluation also identified some project limitations and opportunities for the Trust to consider when undertaking similar programs in the future. In particular, the Managing Travelling Stock Reserves project was not able to progress new funding options for conservation management. The recommendations related to risk management processes and the need for ongoing project resources to maximise long-term benefits.
The Trust published its response to the evaluation on the Trust's website (see below).
Key documents
- Final report (November 2022)
- Final report - Environmental Trust's response