Publications (current work)

The publications on this page are for our current work that is in progress. Publications for the completed work are under the Publications (completed work) tab.


FORESTS - Private native forestry MER

FORESTS - Koala research

FORESTS - Forest dieback

FORESTS - Coastal IFOA Monitoring

CIFOA Monitoring - General

October 2023

Media release - Science tracks forestry outcomes for the long-term

December 2019

Summary of stakeholder feedback on draft monitoring program

March 2020

Coastal IFOA Monitoring Program 2019-2024

November 2019

Priority information needs assessment - Final report (CSIRO)

Forest health

May 2024

Project FH6 - New method to model hollow-bearing trees in coastal NSW forests - Research note

March 2023

Project FH6 - Predicting how many trees contain hollows suitable for vertebrate fauna in NSW forests - Report

February 2024

Project FH6 - Perpetuating trees with hollows under CIFOA - Report

May 2021

Harvesting in fire-affected sites - Monitoring plan

February 2021

Project FH4 - Review of management of tree hollow resources - Southern Cross University

December 2020

Process to review species management plans

October 2020

Landscape scale trends in environmental values - Monitoring plan

October 2020

Key habitat features - Monitoring plan

October 2020

Forest structure health and regeneration - Monitoring plan

September 2020

Landscape-scale trends - Monitoring plan


February 2008

SMP - Giant burrowing frog

May 2023

Project BD1 - Operational manual for fauna monitoring

May 2023

Project BD1 - Field survey design

May 2023

Project BD1 - Annual equipment check instructions

May 2023

Project BD1 - Monitoring bait stations

May 2023

Project BD1 - Monitoring field sheet

May 2023

Project BD1 - Site selection instructions

May 2023

Project BD1 - Monitoring schedule maps

May 2023

Project BD1 - Song meter mini instructions

May 2023

Project BD1 - Song meter mini mat instructions

May 2023

Project BD1 - Reconyx camera instructions

September 2021

Species management plan - Rusty Plum - Dr Binns review

September 2021

Species management plan - Rusty Plum - Dr Binns review

May 2021

Southern Brown Bandicoot - Assessment of trends in occupancy in southern forests of NSW - Final report

October 2020

Species specific flora - Monitoring plan

October 2020

Species specific fauna - Monitoring plan

October 2020

Species occupancy - Monitoring plan


Species management plan - Yellow-bellied Glider monitoring data review report


Species management plan - Southern Brown Bandicoot


Species management plan - Rusty Plum


Species management plan - Milky Silkpod


Population management plan - Bago Plateau Yellow-Bellied Glider

Water quality

June 2023

Project WQ2 - Post-fire debris flow mapping in the Tuross and Tumut Catchments - Technical report

January 2021

Project WQ1 - State of knowledge for monitoring forestry impacts on waterway health - Final report

October 2020

Waterway and wetland health - Monitoring plan


May 2024

Temporary log crossings in NSW coastal state forests - Research note

April 2024

Evaluation of forestry surveys and modelling in NSW - Research note

February 2024

Synthesis of evaluation outputs - Final report

August 2023

Review of impact of injuries to retained trees during forestry operations - Final report

April 2023

Review of the use of temporary log crossings in state forests - Final report

October 2021

Risks to Coastal IFOA posed by fires - Media release

September 2021

Risks to Coastal IFOA posed by fires - Report

October 2020

Independent evaluation of forestry practice plan

October 2020

Research program plan

Wood supply

June 2022

Project W1: Historic wood supply baseline and trends - Final report

October 2020

Baselines and trends in wood supply - Monitoring plan


August 2023

Annual progress report

July 2022

Annual progress report

May 2021

Annual progress report

December 2020

Reporting - Annual health check

FORESTS - Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program

November 2022

Insights for NSW forest outcomes and management

March 2020

Statewide evaluation questions

March 2020

Statewide evaluation questions - Methods statement

September 2019

Program Framework 2019-2024

Cross-tenure data, methods and reports

Forest ecosystem

December 2022

Methods paper - Forest extent (Spatial Vision)

December 2022

Project FE1 - Methods paper - Forest loss and recovery (Spatial Vision)

December 2022

Project FE1 - Methods paper - Forest condition (Spatial Vision)

November 2021

Project FE2 - Supporting post-fire ecological resilience and recovery planning in NSW forests - Final report

March 2021

Project FE2 - Supporting post-fire ecological resilience and recovery planning in NSW forests - Milestone 3 report

December 2020

Project FE2 - NSW fire extent and severity mapping

October 2020

Project FE2 - Supporting post-fire ecological resilience and recovery planning in NSW forests - Milestone 2 report

March 2020

Project FE2 - Supporting post-fire ecological resilience and recovery planning in NSW forests - Milestone 1 report

December 2019

Project FE2 - Supporting post-fire ecological resilience and recovery planning in NSW forests

Biological diversity

November 2022

Project BD4 - Koala and habitat response after 2019-202 wildfires - Summary paper

May 2022

Project BD1 - Baselines, drivers and trends for species occupancy and distribution (Kavanagh et al.) - Final report

July 2021

Project BD4 - Effects of harvesting on koala habitat nutritional quality (Australian National University)

Improving our ability to monitor fauna in forests

Project BD3 - List of nominated species

Project BD2 - Map showing location of monitoring sites

Soil and water

November 2022

Project SW3: Evaluating forest road networks to protect water quality - Final report

November 2022

Project SW3: Baselines and trends in water quality and quantity - Model

June 2022

Project SW1: Baselines and trends in water quality and quantity - Final report - Extension

October 2021

Project SW2: Baselines and trends of soil health and stability - Final report

September 2021

Project SW1: Baselines and trends in water quality and quantity - Final report

January 2021

Project SW3: Evaluating forest road networks to protect forest waterways - Project summary

November 2020

Project SW2: Trends in soil health and stability - Collation of soil data cube

November 2020

Project SW3: Evaluating forest road networks to protect water quality - Methodology recommendation

September 2020

Project SW2 - Soil health and stability monitoring in forests

September 2020

Project SW3: Evaluating forest road networks to protect water quality - Discussion paper

January 2020

Project SW1: Trends in water quality and quantity - Literature and data review

Future scenarios

May 2022

Future scenarios - Final report

September 2021

Future scenarios - Workshop 1

January 2021

Future scenarios - Approach

December 2020

Future scenarios - Proposal for discussion

Aboriginal values

August 2022

Aboriginal Cultural values assessment - Banbai case study (Banbai Rangers with Tamworth and Guyra LALC)

August 2022

Aboriginal Cultural values assessment - Gumbaynggirr case study (Coffs Harbour LALC and Gumbaynggirr Elders)

August 2022

Aboriginal Cultural values assessment - Synthesis report (Firesticks Alliance)

August 2022

Aboriginal Cultural values assessment - Wiradjuri case study (Brungle Tumut LALC)

April 2022

Video - Banbai Rangers monitor fauna

Productive capacity
No items found.
Social and economic

November 2022

Social benefits - Interim method - Estimation of forest-dependent jobs (Synergies Consulting)

Carbon cycles

October 2023

Carbon balance of NSW forests - Research note

June 2023

Carbon balance of NSW forests – Update report

February 2022

Carbon balance of NSW forests – Methodology and baseline report

Program governance

Annual reports

July 2022

Annual progress report

December 2021

Mid-term evaluation of FMIP - Final report

April 2021

Annual progress report

February 2020

Annual progress report

February 2020

Program evaluation plan

Community engagement

December 2023

2023 Webinar 3 - Forest carbon - Transcript

December 2023

2023 Webinar 3 - Forest carbon - Presentation

December 2023

2023 Webinar 2 - Fauna monitoring - Follow up questions

December 2023

2023 Webinar 2 - Fauna monitoring - Transcript

November 2023

2023 Webinar 2 - Fauna monitoring - Presentation

November 2023

2023 Webinar 1 - Forest and waterways - Meeting recording

November 2023

2023 Webinar 1 - Forest and waterways - Presentation

November 2022

2022 Webinar 3 - Forest water catchments - Presentation

November 2022

2022 Webinar 4 - Forest extent, health and condition - Presentation

November 2022

2022 Webinar 4 - Forest extent, health and condition - Questions and answers

November 2022

2022 Webinar 5 - Future forest scenarios - Presentation

November 2022

2022 Webinar 5 - Future forest scenarios - Q and A

October 2022

2022 Webinar 1 - Baselines for species occupancy - Presentation

October 2022

2022 Webinar 1 - Baselines for species occupancy - Questions nad answers

October 2022

2022 Webinar 2 - Carbon balance of forests - Presentation

October 2022

2022 Webinar 2 - Carbon balance of forests - Questions and answers

March 2021

Communique 6

December 2020

Bridging the gap between data capture and decision-making - A survey of forest managers

December 2020

Program update

November 2020

2020 Webinar 2 - Coastal IFOA monitoring program - Questions and answers

November 2020

2020 Webinar 2 - Coastal IFOA monitoring program - Summary

October 2020

2020 Webinar 1 - Data driven forest management - Questions and answers

October 2020

2020 Webinar 1 - Data driven forest management - Summary

October 2020

2020 Webinar 1 - Data driven forest management - Video

Octobber 2020

Communique 5

February 2020

Aboriginal stakeholder engagement plan

February 2020

Communique 4

November 2019

Communique 3

August 2019

Communique 2

July 2019

Communique 1

Citizen science

October 2020

Citizen Science Strategy

January 2021

RFA MER Plan - Scope

WATER - Water management plan audits

WATER - Water sharing plan reviews

March 2023

WSP reviews - Issue brief 02 - Sustainable LTAAELs

March 2023

WSP reviews - Issue brief 01 - Numeric extraction limits

December 2022

WSP reviews - Evaluation framework - Final

August 2022

WSP reviews - Evaluation framework - Draft

2023 reviews

June 2023

Namoi and Peel Unregulated WSP review - Final report - Summary

June 2023

Namoi and Peel Unregulated WSP review - Final report

June 2023

Macquarie Bogan Unregulated WSP review - Final report - Summary

June 2023

Macquarie Bogan Unregulated WSP review - Final report

June 2023

Lachlan Unregulated and Belubula Regulated WSP review - Final report - Summary

June 2023

Lachlan Unregulated and Belubula Regulated WSP review - Final report

June 2023

Gwydir Unregulated WSP review - Final report - Summary

June 2023

Gwydir Unregulated WSP review - Final report

January 2023

Murrumbidgee Unregulated WSP review - Final report - Summary

January 2023

Murrumbidgee Unregulated WSP review - Final report


AUDITS - Audit and assurance

EVALUATION - Environmental Trust - Cross-tenure feral deer management project

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EVALUATION - Environmental Trust - Nature based tourism project

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