Productive capacity and sustainability of forest ecosystems

Is timber harvested in a sustainable manner?
NSW forests support a $2.4 billion forestry and wood products manufacturing industry in NSW. More than 22,000 people in NSW are employed in this sector. Over 40 percent of these jobs are found in regional towns. NSW has committed to managing its native forests in an ecological manner to provide sustainable wood supply over the short to long-term for the industry.
Project PC1: Baselines and trends in wood supply
Project PC1: Baselines and trends in wood supply
The coastal IFOA Monitoring Program overseen by the NSW Forest Monitoring Steering Committee will monitor the trend in actual harvest volumes. Wood supply modelling will be used to indicate whether the Coastal IFOA conditions are affecting wood supply over time and evaluate volumetric impacts and the specific conditions that are impacting wood supply.
More information, including detailed monitoring plans can be found here.