


No items found.

Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program

No items found.

Coastal IFOA Monitoring Program

No items found.

Water management plan audits

No items found.

Water sharing plan reviews

No items found.



No items found.

FORESTS - Coastal IFOA Monitoring

CIFOA Monitoring - General

October 2023

Media release - Science tracks forestry outcomes for the long-term

December 2019

Summary of stakeholder feedback on draft monitoring program

March 2020

Coastal IFOA Monitoring Program 2019-2024

November 2019

Priority information needs assessment - Final report (CSIRO)

Forest health

May 2024

Project FH6 - New method to model hollow-bearing trees in coastal NSW forests - Research note

March 2023

Project FH6 - Predicting how many trees contain hollows suitable for vertebrate fauna in NSW forests - Report

February 2024

Project FH6 - Perpetuating trees with hollows under CIFOA - Report

May 2021

Harvesting in fire-affected sites - Monitoring plan

February 2021

Project FH4 - Review of management of tree hollow resources - Southern Cross University

December 2020

Process to review species management plans

October 2020

Landscape scale trends in environmental values - Monitoring plan

October 2020

Key habitat features - Monitoring plan

October 2020

Forest structure health and regeneration - Monitoring plan

September 2020

Landscape-scale trends - Monitoring plan


February 2008

SMP - Giant burrowing frog

May 2023

Project BD1 - Operational manual for fauna monitoring

May 2023

Project BD1 - Field survey design

May 2023

Project BD1 - Annual equipment check instructions

May 2023

Project BD1 - Monitoring bait stations

May 2023

Project BD1 - Monitoring field sheet

May 2023

Project BD1 - Site selection instructions

May 2023

Project BD1 - Monitoring schedule maps

May 2023

Project BD1 - Song meter mini instructions

May 2023

Project BD1 - Song meter mini mat instructions

May 2023

Project BD1 - Reconyx camera instructions

September 2021

Species management plan - Rusty Plum - Dr Binns review

September 2021

Species management plan - Rusty Plum - Dr Binns review

May 2021

Southern Brown Bandicoot - Assessment of trends in occupancy in southern forests of NSW - Final report

October 2020

Species specific flora - Monitoring plan

October 2020

Species specific fauna - Monitoring plan

October 2020

Species occupancy - Monitoring plan


Species management plan - Yellow-bellied Glider monitoring data review report


Species management plan - Southern Brown Bandicoot


Species management plan - Rusty Plum


Species management plan - Milky Silkpod


Population management plan - Bago Plateau Yellow-Bellied Glider

Water quality

June 2023

Project WQ2 - Post-fire debris flow mapping in the Tuross and Tumut Catchments - Technical report

January 2021

Project WQ1 - State of knowledge for monitoring forestry impacts on waterway health - Final report

October 2020

Waterway and wetland health - Monitoring plan


May 2024

Temporary log crossings in NSW coastal state forests - Research note

April 2024

Evaluation of forestry surveys and modelling in NSW - Research note

February 2024

Synthesis of evaluation outputs - Final report

August 2023

Review of impact of injuries to retained trees during forestry operations - Final report

April 2023

Review of the use of temporary log crossings in state forests - Final report

October 2021

Risks to Coastal IFOA posed by fires - Media release

September 2021

Risks to Coastal IFOA posed by fires - Report

October 2020

Independent evaluation of forestry practice plan

October 2020

Research program plan

Wood supply

June 2022

Project W1: Historic wood supply baseline and trends - Final report

October 2020

Baselines and trends in wood supply - Monitoring plan


August 2023

Annual progress report

July 2022

Annual progress report

May 2021

Annual progress report

December 2020

Reporting - Annual health check

FORESTS - Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program

November 2022

Insights for NSW forest outcomes and management

March 2020

Statewide evaluation questions

March 2020

Statewide evaluation questions - Methods statement

September 2019

Program Framework 2019-2024

Cross-tenure data, methods and reports

Forest ecosystem

December 2022

Methods paper - Forest extent (Spatial Vision)

December 2022

Project FE1 - Methods paper - Forest loss and recovery (Spatial Vision)

December 2022

Project FE1 - Methods paper - Forest condition (Spatial Vision)

November 2021

Project FE2 - Supporting post-fire ecological resilience and recovery planning in NSW forests - Final report

March 2021

Project FE2 - Supporting post-fire ecological resilience and recovery planning in NSW forests - Milestone 3 report

December 2020

Project FE2 - NSW fire extent and severity mapping

October 2020

Project FE2 - Supporting post-fire ecological resilience and recovery planning in NSW forests - Milestone 2 report

March 2020

Project FE2 - Supporting post-fire ecological resilience and recovery planning in NSW forests - Milestone 1 report

December 2019

Project FE2 - Supporting post-fire ecological resilience and recovery planning in NSW forests

Biological diversity

November 2022

Project BD4 - Koala and habitat response after 2019-202 wildfires - Summary paper

May 2022

Project BD1 - Baselines, drivers and trends for species occupancy and distribution (Kavanagh et al.) - Final report

July 2021

Project BD4 - Effects of harvesting on koala habitat nutritional quality (Australian National University)

Improving our ability to monitor fauna in forests

Project BD3 - List of nominated species

Project BD2 - Map showing location of monitoring sites

Soil and water

November 2022

Project SW3: Evaluating forest road networks to protect water quality - Final report

November 2022

Project SW3: Baselines and trends in water quality and quantity - Model

June 2022

Project SW1: Baselines and trends in water quality and quantity - Final report - Extension

October 2021

Project SW2: Baselines and trends of soil health and stability - Final report

September 2021

Project SW1: Baselines and trends in water quality and quantity - Final report

January 2021

Project SW3: Evaluating forest road networks to protect forest waterways - Project summary

November 2020

Project SW2: Trends in soil health and stability - Collation of soil data cube

November 2020

Project SW3: Evaluating forest road networks to protect water quality - Methodology recommendation

September 2020

Project SW2 - Soil health and stability monitoring in forests

September 2020

Project SW3: Evaluating forest road networks to protect water quality - Discussion paper

January 2020

Project SW1: Trends in water quality and quantity - Literature and data review

Future scenarios

May 2022

Future scenarios - Final report

September 2021

Future scenarios - Workshop 1

January 2021

Future scenarios - Approach

December 2020

Future scenarios - Proposal for discussion

Aboriginal values

August 2022

Aboriginal Cultural values assessment - Banbai case study (Banbai Rangers with Tamworth and Guyra LALC)

August 2022

Aboriginal Cultural values assessment - Gumbaynggirr case study (Coffs Harbour LALC and Gumbaynggirr Elders)

August 2022

Aboriginal Cultural values assessment - Synthesis report (Firesticks Alliance)

August 2022

Aboriginal Cultural values assessment - Wiradjuri case study (Brungle Tumut LALC)

April 2022

Video - Banbai Rangers monitor fauna

Productive capacity
No items found.
Social and economic

November 2022

Social benefits - Interim method - Estimation of forest-dependent jobs (Synergies Consulting)

Carbon cycles

October 2023

Carbon balance of NSW forests - Research note

June 2023

Carbon balance of NSW forests – Update report

February 2022

Carbon balance of NSW forests – Methodology and baseline report

Program governance

Annual reports

July 2022

Annual progress report

December 2021

Mid-term evaluation of FMIP - Final report

April 2021

Annual progress report

February 2020

Annual progress report

February 2020

Program evaluation plan

Community engagement

December 2023

2023 Webinar 3 - Forest carbon - Transcript

December 2023

2023 Webinar 3 - Forest carbon - Presentation

December 2023

2023 Webinar 2 - Fauna monitoring - Follow up questions

December 2023

2023 Webinar 2 - Fauna monitoring - Transcript

November 2023

2023 Webinar 2 - Fauna monitoring - Presentation

November 2023

2023 Webinar 1 - Forest and waterways - Meeting recording

November 2023

2023 Webinar 1 - Forest and waterways - Presentation

November 2022

2022 Webinar 3 - Forest water catchments - Presentation

November 2022

2022 Webinar 4 - Forest extent, health and condition - Presentation

November 2022

2022 Webinar 4 - Forest extent, health and condition - Questions and answers

November 2022

2022 Webinar 5 - Future forest scenarios - Presentation

November 2022

2022 Webinar 5 - Future forest scenarios - Q and A

October 2022

2022 Webinar 1 - Baselines for species occupancy - Presentation

October 2022

2022 Webinar 1 - Baselines for species occupancy - Questions nad answers

October 2022

2022 Webinar 2 - Carbon balance of forests - Presentation

October 2022

2022 Webinar 2 - Carbon balance of forests - Questions and answers

March 2021

Communique 6

December 2020

Bridging the gap between data capture and decision-making - A survey of forest managers

December 2020

Program update

November 2020

2020 Webinar 2 - Coastal IFOA monitoring program - Questions and answers

November 2020

2020 Webinar 2 - Coastal IFOA monitoring program - Summary

October 2020

2020 Webinar 1 - Data driven forest management - Questions and answers

October 2020

2020 Webinar 1 - Data driven forest management - Summary

October 2020

2020 Webinar 1 - Data driven forest management - Video

Octobber 2020

Communique 5

February 2020

Aboriginal stakeholder engagement plan

February 2020

Communique 4

November 2019

Communique 3

August 2019

Communique 2

July 2019

Communique 1

Citizen science

October 2020

Citizen Science Strategy

January 2021

RFA MER Plan - Scope

WATER - Water sharing plan reviews

March 2023

WSP reviews - Issue brief 02 - Sustainable LTAAELs

March 2023

WSP reviews - Issue brief 01 - Numeric extraction limits

December 2022

WSP reviews - Evaluation framework - Final

August 2022

WSP reviews - Evaluation framework - Draft

2023 reviews

June 2023

Namoi and Peel Unregulated WSP review - Final report - Summary

June 2023

Namoi and Peel Unregulated WSP review - Final report

June 2023

Macquarie Bogan Unregulated WSP review - Final report - Summary

June 2023

Macquarie Bogan Unregulated WSP review - Final report

June 2023

Lachlan Unregulated and Belubula Regulated WSP review - Final report - Summary

June 2023

Lachlan Unregulated and Belubula Regulated WSP review - Final report

June 2023

Gwydir Unregulated WSP review - Final report - Summary

June 2023

Gwydir Unregulated WSP review - Final report

January 2023

Murrumbidgee Unregulated WSP review - Final report - Summary

January 2023

Murrumbidgee Unregulated WSP review - Final report

WATER - Water management plan audits

AUDITS - 2019 Audits of LLS Strategic plan implementation

December 2019

Audit - LLS strategic plan - Audit report - 2019 - Local Land Services' response

November 2019

Audit - LLS strategic plan - Audit report - 2019 - Western

November 2019

Audit - LLS strategic plan - Audit report - 2019 - South East

November 2019

Audit - LLS strategic plan - Audit report - 2019 - Riverina

November 2019

Audit - LLS strategic plan - Audit report - 2019 - Northern Tablelands

November 2019

Audit - LLS strategic plan - Audit report - 2019 - North West

November 2019

Audit - LLS strategic plan - Audit report - 2019 - North Coast

November 2019

Audit - LLS strategic plan - Audit report - 2019 - Murray

November 2019

Audit - LLS strategic plan - Audit report - 2019 - Hunter

November 2019

Audit - LLS strategic plan - Audit report - 2019 - Greater Sydney

November 2019

Audit - LLS strategic plan - Audit report - 2019 - Central West

November 2019

Audit - LLS strategic plan - Audit report - 2019 - Central Tablelands

November 2019

Audit - LLS strategic plan - Audit report - 2019 - Summary report

AUDITS - Audit and assurance

AUDITS - Emergency management

AUDITS - Funding allocation and review

AUDITS - NRM standard and targets

AUDITS - Performance Standard for Local Land Services

EVALUATION - Catchment action plan reviews

August 2013

Better practice guide - Adapting catchment action plans to fit Local Land Services boundaries

June 2013

Upgrading CAPs - Lessons for LLS

June 2012

Framework for assessing CAPs

March 2013

Catchment action plan assessment - Upgraded - Border Rivers-Gwydir

November 2011

Catchment action plan assessment - Upgraded - Central West

June 2013

Catchment action plan assessment - Upgraded - Hawkesbury-Nepean

March 2013

Catchment action plan assessment - Upgraded - Hunter-Central Rivers

June 2013

Catchment action plan assessment - Upgraded - Lachlan

June 2013

Catchment action plan assessment - Upgraded - Murray

March 2013

Catchment action plan assessment - Upgraded - Murrumbidgee

November 2011

Catchment action plan assessment - Upgraded - Namoi

March 2013

Catchment action plan assessment - Upgraded - Northern Rivers

March 2013

Catchment action plan assessment - Upgraded - Southern Rivers

June 2013

Catchment action plan assessment - Upgraded - Western

September 2006

Catchment action plan assessment - Border Rivers-Gwydir

September 2006

Catchment action plan assessment - Central West

November 2006

Catchment action plan assessment - Hawkesbury-Nepean

September 2006

Catchment action plan assessment - Hunter-Central Rivers

September 2006

Catchment action plan assessment - Lachlan

July 2007

Catchment action plan assessment - Lower Murray Darling

November 2006

Catchment action plan assessment - Murray

November 2006

Catchment action plan assessment - Murrumbidgee

September 2006

Catchment action plan assessment - Namoi

September 2006

Catchment action plan assessment - Northern Rivers

September 2006

Catchment action plan assessment - Southern Rivers

June 2008

Catchment action plan assessment - Sydney Metropolitan

September 2006

Catchment action plan assessment - Western

EVALUATION - Cloud seeding

EVALUATION - Environmental Trust

No items found.

EVALUATION - Monitoring, evaluation and reporting

No items found.

EVALUATION - Pest animal management

EVALUATION - Strategic plan reviews

EVALUATION - Suplementary pest control trial

EVALUATION - Weed management


Review of biodiversity legislation

No items found.

Amendments to Assessment Methodology for broadscale clearing

No items found.

NATIVE VEGETATION - Land management and biodiversity reforms

PROGRESS REPORTING - Information collection and dissemination

PROGRESS REPORTING - Landcare capacity building

PROGRESS REPORTING - Progress towards standard and targets



May 2017

Presentation - 17th Australasian Vertebrate Pest Conference, Canberra

October 2016

Presentation - 2016 Vertebrate Pest Management Symposium, Orange

April-May 2016

Presentation - Pest animal review public meetings

December 2015

Presentation - QLD NRM Regional Groups Collective

April 2015

Poster - 8th ANZIF Conference, Creswick

October 2014

Presentation - Macquarie University, Sydney

October 2014

Presentation - Institute of Foresters of Australia, Sydney

July 2014

Presentation - 19th Australiasian Weeds Conference, Hobart

April 2014

Presentation - Sydney Weeds Committee Forum, Sydney

November 2013

Presentation - Victoria Environmental Reporting Symposium, Melbourne

November 2013

Paper - 2013 NSW Coastal Conference, Port Macquarie

November 2013

Presentation - 2013 NSW Coastal Conference, Port Macquarie

October 2013

Presentation - Sustainability, Science and the Law, Macquarie University, Sydney

September 2013

Presentation - 17th NSW Weeds Conference, Corowa

August 2013

Presentation - Land for Wildlife Forum, Sydney

June 2012

Speaking notes - NRM Planning for Resilience Conference

June 2012

Presentation - NRM Planning for Resilience Conference

April 2012

Presentation - Managing future landscapes in NSW

November 2011

Paper - 2011 Victorian Landcare Conference

November 2011

Presentation - 2011 Victorian Landcare Conference

November 2011

Paper - 2011 NSW Coastal Conference

November 2011

Presentation - 2011 NSW Coastal Conference

September 2011

Program - 2011 Queensland Landcare Conference

September 2011

Presentation - 2011 Queensland Landcare Conference

September 2011

Paper - 2011 Australian Evaluation Society Conference

August 2011

Paper - AWA Catchment Management Conference

August 2011

Presentation - AWA Catchment Management Conference

June 2011

Presentation - Collaborative Decision-Making in NRM Conference

June 2011

Speaking notes - This Land Our Water book launch

June 2011

Presentation - Biodiversity Across the Borders Conference

May 2011

Speaking notes - Australian Conservation Foundation Forum

May 2011

Presentation - Australian Conservation Foundation Forum

May 2011

Presentation - NSW Land for Wildlife Forum

April 2011

Speaking notes - Biennial Pacific Rim Conference

April 2011

Paper - Biennial Pacific Rim Conference

April 2011

Presentation - Biennial Pacific Rim Conference

April 2011

Book launch - ANU E press book - Basin Futures - Chapter 1

April 2011

Speaking notes - National Sustainable Food Summit

April 2011

Presentation - National Sustainable Food Summit

December 2010

Presentation - CMA Chairs' Council

November 2010

Presentation - Natural Resources Advisory Council

November 2010

Presentation - National Water Commission Seminar

November 2010

Presentation - Bureau of Meteorology

October 2010

Paper - 2010 Australian Environment Foundation Conference

October 2010

Presentation - 2010 Australian Environment Foundation Conference

August 2010

Presentation - No Till Farmers Association Congress, Argentina (2)

August 2010

Presentation - No Till Farmers Association Congress, Argentina (1 in Spanish)

August 2010

Presentation - No Till Farmers Association Congress, Argentina (1)

June 2010

Presentation - Academy of Technical Sciences

June 2010

Paper - 2010 Urban Salt Conference

June 2010

Presentation - 2010 Urban Salt Conference

February 2010

Speaking notes - Water Leaders Conference

February 2010

Paper - Water Leaders Conference

October 2009

Speech - Australian National Field Days

October 2009

Speech - Environment Institute of ANZ - Book launch

September 2009

Paper - Hunter Valley Research Foundation

September 2009

Presentation - Hunter Valley Research Foundation

March 2009

Presentation - Australian Water Association Conference

August 2008

Presentation - NSW Land for Wildlife Conference

November 2007

Paper - 2007 NSW Coastal Conference

November 2007

Presentation - 2007 NSW Coastal Conference

October 2007

Paper - 2007 State Landcare Forum