Community engagement and access to information

Public consultation and reporting are important elements of ecologically sustainable forest management and intrinsic components of the NSW Forest Management Framework. The Framework recognises that the full value of evidence-based decision-making can only be realised when data, analyses and results are openly shared with forest managers, researchers, policy makers and the community. Open sharing of data and insights is a core objective of the NSW Government Open Data Policy.
The New South Wales and Australian Governments have agreed to streamline outcomes-based reporting for the NSW RFAs. The scope and timing of RFA reporting is outlined here. The NSW Department of Primary Industries will lead development of the five-yearly Progress Reports on NSW RFAs.
The Natural Resources Commission, as the independent Chair of the NSW Forest Monitoring Steering Committee, will review reports delivered under the RFA MER Plan. It will provide evidence-based recommendations to the NSW Government to improve forest management. In addition, the steering committee will host annual forum for community and stakeholders to share findings and discuss implications for forest management.