What are the research priorities?

Broad research priorities are specified in each of the NSW RFAs (1). These are listed by RFA MER Plan themes in the following Priority RFA information section.

Targeted research questions will be developed through the Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program to address specific knowledge gaps identified through monitoring activities.

RFA research priorities arranged by RFA MER Plan themes


Research priorities

Conservation values

  • Matters of National Environmental Significance

Forest ecosystem health

  • Forest ecology and sustainability, including flora, fauna, soil and water conservation
  • Forest health and biosecurity
  • Fire ecology
  • Long-term water quality and quantity impacts associated with forest management (2)

Aboriginal values

  • Cultural values and cultural use

Socio-economic values

  • Socio-economic values of forest-based industries
  • Forest products innovation and value adding
  • Forest resource assessment and security
  • Effectiveness of management prescriptions

Climate change

  • Forest carbon, bioenergy and biofuels
  • Climate change impacts and adaptive management

Roles and responsibilities

  • The NSW Department of Primary Industries is responsible for preparing a compendium of NSW Forest research for each five-yearly RFA review. This will include a bibliography of NSW forest research (published, unpublished and in-progress) and a summary of forest-related research.
  • Annual forums will be held between the RFA Parties to review and determine research priorities including setting research themes, coordination and future directions and an update of priorities in each five-yearly review
  • Specific research priorities will be refined through the Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program and other NSW Government monitoring and research program activities.


Compendium of NSW forest research

  1. NSW Regional Forest Agreements (Eden (Attachment 6), North East and Southern), Attachment 7, Research Priorities.
  2. Changed from RFA wording to reflect the broader range of tenures and management priorities covered be the RFAs.