2023 Water management plan audits (10 plans)


Audit reports provided

Advice date:

January to September 2023


We audited the following water management plans to ascertain whether the provisions of the FMPs are being given effect to, as required under Section 44 of the Water Management Act 2000.

  • Inland groundwater water sharing plans:
    • Gwydir alluvial groundwater sources 2020
    • Lachlan alluvial groundwater sources 2020
    • Macquarie-Castlereag groundwater sources 2020
    • Murray alluvial groundwater sources 2020
    • Murrumbidgee alluvial groundwater sources 2020
  • Southern Murray Darling Basin water sharing plans:
    • Lachlan regulated river water sources 2016
    • Murrumbidgee regulated river water sources 2016
    • NSW Murray and Lower Darling regulated river water sources 2016
  • Namoi Valley floodplain management plans:
    • Upper Namoi Valley floodplain 2019
    • Lower Namoi Valley floodplain 2019

While many provisions of all of the above plans are being implemented, our audit concluded that on balance the provisions of the plans have not been given full effect in accordance with the Act. The overarching consequence is that the objectives of the plans are unlikely to be achieved. The Minister for Water and audit agencies have responded to our audit recommendations (see below).

Key documents

Inland groundwater water sharing plans

Southern Murray Darling Basin water sharing plans

Namoi Valley floodplain management plans