2021 Water sharing plan reviews (8 plans)

Advice provided
Advice date:
February-December 2021
We reviewed the following water sharing plans to assess the extent to which the plans have achieved their environmental, social, cultural and economic outcomes, and advised on whether changes to the plan provisions are warranted.
- Water Sharing Plan for the Murray Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2011
- Water Sharing Plan for the Bega and Brogo Rivers Area Regulated, Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2011
- Water Sharing Plan for the Murrah-Wallaga Area Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2010
- Water Sharing Plan for the Towamba River Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2010
- Water Sharing Plan for the Richmond River Area Unregulated, Regulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2010
- Water Sharing Plan for the Tweed River Area Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2010
- Water Sharing Plan for the Greater Metropolitan Region Unregulated River Water Sources 20111
- Water Sharing Plan for the Greater Metropolitan Region Groundwater Sources 2011.
We recommended that the water sharing plan for:
- Murray be extended for up to two years to allow time to undertake required analysis, development, and consultation on the replacement Plan .
- Bega and Brogo, Murrah-Wallaga and Towamba be extended for a further two years to allow time to undertake required data collection and analysis, completion of the South Coast Regional Water Strategy and development of the replacement Plans.
- Richmond and Tweed be extended for a further two years until 30 June 2023, with priority actions progressed in the interim, to allow time to complete data collection, analysis and modelling and to consider regional water planning processes currently underway. Further, the plan be replaced by 1 July 2023.
- Greater Metropolitan (surface and groundwater) be extended for a further two years until 30 June 2023, to allow time to complete data collection, analysis and modelling. Further, the plan be replaced by 1 July 2023 considering the Greater Sydney Water Strategy to ensure water management is integrated across the region.
The Government supported our recommendations by approving the extension of Murray, Richmond and Tweed, and Greater Metropolitan (surface and groundwater) plans for up to two years.
Key documents
- Murray - Final report (December 2021)
- Murray - Final report - Summary
- Bega and Brogo, Murrah-Wallaga and Towamba - Final report (May 2021)
- Bega and Brogo, Murrah-Wallaga and Towamba - Final report - Summary (May 2021)
- Richmond and Tweed - Final report (February 2021)
- Richmond and Tweed - Final report - Summary (February 2021)
- Richmond and Tweed - Final report - Government response (March 2021)
- Greater Metropolitan (surface and groundwater) - Final report (February 2021)
- Greater Metropolitan (surface and groundwater) - Final report - Summary (February 2021)
- Greater Metropolitan (surface and groundwater) - Final report - Government response (March 2021)
Submissions - Richmond and Tweed (2021)
Richmoond Unregulated
- Anonymous
- Ballina Shire Council
- Barry and Victoria Kuhnell
- Bob and Sue Coleman
- Chris and Catherine Magner
- Dave Clift
- Edgar and Judith Briggs
- Goolmangar Water Users Group
- James and Annette Cowley
- Ken Murphy
- Kyogle Council
- Leigh Shearman
- Phil Shand
- Richard and Phillipa Schultz
- Richmond and Wilsons Combined Water Users Association
- Rous County Council
- Toonumbar Water Users Association
Tweed Unregulated
- Anonymous
- Ari Ehrlich
- Athol McKenzie
- Byrrill Creek Landcare
- Caldera Environment Centre
- Carol Chandler
- David Berg
- Elizabeth Jack
- Gail Rich
- Julie Beesley
- Linda Cooper
- Lynette Paddon
- Malcolm Pumpa
- Margaret Bailey
- Megan Jack
- Michael McNamara
- Neil and Michelle Baker
- Nigel Bram
- Nola Firth
- Northern River Guardians and Nimbin Environment Centre
- Peter Symons
- Project 28 Pty Ltd
- Richard Murray
- Robbie Pateman
- Russel Schubring
- Stuart Ball
- Tweed Landcare Inc
- Tweed Shire Council
- Tweed Water Alliance
- Warrern Cooper
- Water Access License Holders - Tyalgum and Byangum
- William Yates
Submissions - Greater Metropolitan - Surface and groundwater (2021)
Greater Metroploitan Unregulated
- Altura Spatial Pty Ltd
- Goulburn Mulwaree Council
- Leppington Pastoral Co Pty Ltd
- Shoalhaven City Council (Robert Horner)
- Sydney Coastal Councils and Paramatta River Catchment Group
- Turf Growers Association of NSW