2023 Water sharing plan reviews (6 plans)


Advice provided

Advice date:

January - June 2023


We reviewed the following water sharing plans to assess the extent to which the plans have achieved their environmental, social, cultural and economic outcomes, and advised on whether changes to the plan provisions are warranted.

  1. Water Sharing Plan for the Gwydir Unregulated River Water Sources 2012
  2. Water Sharing Plan for the Lachlan Unregulated River Water Sources 2012
  3. Water Sharing Plan for the Belubula Regulated River Water Sources 2012
  4. Water Sharing Plan for the Macquarie Bogan Unregulated River Water Sources 2012
  5. Water Sharing Plan for the Namoi and Peel Unregulated River Water Sources 2012
  6. Water Sharing Plan for the Murrumbidgee Unregulated River Water Sources 2012

We recommended that each of the above water sharing plans be extended for up to two years until 30 June 2025 and then replaced taking into consideration recommendations from our plan review reports. The Minister has responded to our review reports and extended all of these plans. The above six plans are currently in force and due to be replaced on 1 July 2025.

We combined the review of the Lachlan unregulated and Belubula regulated plans to allow for the consideration of all surface water sources in the Belubula catchment which is currently split across the Lachlan unregulated and Belubula regulated plans, and to determine the interaction of provisions between the two plans.

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