Our role

Under the plan, the NSW Government has tasked us to:

  • provide advice on options to further protect and restore biodiversity and ecosystem functions in regional landscapes and enhance value and support for landholders - an advisory panel will support the Commission
  • provide advice on policy options to strengthen the management and protection of widespread critically endangered ecological communities (CEEC) under the Land Management (Native Vegetation) Code 2018, including considering mechanisms that support and incentivise landholders to protect, restore and improve CEEC
  • provide advice on policy options to improve outcomes for areas containing exclusively or predominantly non-woody vegetation (grasslands and ground cover), including identifying options to reduce unallocated clearing rates for non-woody vegetation, ensure the protection of high-value native grasslands, and minimise overregulation of non-native non-woody vegetation and unrecoverable native non-woody vegetation
  • oversee development of a Land Management Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Framework.