Recently published audits
We have recently published audits of the following plans:
Audit of the implementation of Hastings and Bellinger unregulated and alluvial water sharing plans
We have audited the implementation of:
- Water Sharing Plan for the Hastings Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2019 (version effective 11 December 2020)
- Water Sharing Plan for the Bellinger River Area Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2020 (version effective 30 June 2020
While many of the provisions of the plans were implemented, we consider that on balance the provisions of the plans have not been given full effect in the first five years of implementation. The limited assurance audit conclusion is based on the procedures performed and the evidence obtained.
We found that key aspects of the Plans were being implemented, as outlined below:
- available water determination orders were largely issued and applied to accounts as required by the Plans
- procedures and systems were generally in place to support the granting of specific purpose access licences, making of plan amendments, processing of dealings and implementing changes in mandatory conditions, but with some limits identified
- WaterNSW and DCCEEW have advised they are continuing to make updates to their processes for water supply works approvals to address concerns raised by these, and previous audits undertaken by the Commission.
Some provisions have not been implemented in full. Priority issues to be addressed by the audited agencies include:
- finalising systems and processes to facilitate monitoring of performance indicators
- managing Long-Term Average Annual Extraction Limits (LTAAEL) and assessing LTAAEL compliance
- finalising updates to the water supply works approvals process including the processes for identifying groundwater dependent culturally significant areas and certain types of potentially contaminated land
- progressing work to support the management of flow class provisions.
The full list of findings and recommendations for the relevant agencies are available in the audit report.
Audit of the implementation of Paterson regulated river water sharing plan
O’Connor Marsden and Associates (the auditor) conducted the audit on the implementation of the Water Sharing Plan for the Paterson Regulated River Water Source 2019 (the Plan) on behalf of the Commission.
While many of the provisions of the plans were implemented, on balance the provisions of the plans have not been given full effect in the first five years of implementation. The limited assurance audit conclusion is based on the procedures performed and the evidence obtained.
Key aspects of the Plan were being implemented, as outlined below:
- available water determinations have largely been calculated and made in line with relevant Plan provisions
- procedures and systems were generally in place to support the granting of specific purpose access licences, processing of dealings and implementing changes in mandatory conditions, but with some limits
- mandatory conditions were largely applied as required by the Plan, with some gaps around metering and recording requirements.
Some provisions have not been implemented in full. Priority issues to be addressed by the audited agencies include:
- finalising systems and processes to facilitate monitoring of performance indicators
- managing Long-Term Average Annual Extraction Limits (LTAAEL) and assessing LTAAEL compliance
- completing work to improve systems and processes for notifying licence and approval holders of mandatory conditions, including the Standard Operating Procedure.
The full list of findings and recommendations for the relevant agencies are available in the audit report.