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Water sharing plans currently under review
We are currently reviewing the:
- Water Sharing Plan for the Brunswick Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2016
- Water Sharing Plan for the Clarence River Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2016
- Water Sharing Plan for the Macleay Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2016
- Water Sharing Plan for the Nambucca Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2016
- Water Sharing Plan for the North Coast Coastal Sands Groundwater Sources 2016
- Water Sharing Plan for the North Coast Fractured and Porous Rock Groundwater Sources 2016
- Water Sharing Plan for the South Coast Groundwater Sources 2016
- Water Sharing Plan for the Gwydir Regulated River Water Source 2016
We expect to complete our review reports for these plans by the end of April 2025.
Submissions - Seven coastal water sharing plans (2024)
These submissions are for our review of the following coastal water sharing plans:
- Brunswick Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2016
- Clarence River Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2016
- Macleay Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2016
- Nambucca Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2016
- North Coast Fractured and Porous Rock Groundwater Sources 2016
- North Coast Coastal Sands Groundwater Sources 2016
- South Coast Groundwater Sources 2016
Upcoming water sharing plan reviews
We have called for submissions to the following inland regulated water sharing plans:
- Water Sharing Plan for the Lachlan Regulated River Water Source 2016
- Water Sharing Plan for the Macquarie and Cudgegong Regulated Rivers Water Source 2016
- Water Sharing Plan for the Upper Namoi and Lower Namoi Regulated River Water Sources 2016
Submissions can be made to the Commission until Monday 10 March 2025. Further information is available here.
We expect to complete our review reports for these plans by the end of October 2025.
Future water sharing plan reviews
We will be calling for submission to the following coastal water sharing plans in late 2025:
- Water Sharing Plan for the Hunter Regulated River Water Source 2016
- Water Sharing Plan for the Paterson Regulated River Water Source 2019
- Water Sharing Plan for the Clyde River Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2016
- Water Sharing Plan for the Tuross River Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2016
- Water Sharing Plan for the Deua River Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2016
- Water Sharing Plan for the Snowy Genoa Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2016
We expect to complete our review reports for these plans by the first half of 2026.
Completed reviews
We have published the review reports for:
- Water Sharing Plan for the NSW Murray and Lower Darling Regulated Rivers Water Sources 2016
- Water Sharing Plan for the Murrumbidgee Regulated River Water Source 2016
Further information is available here.
Submissions - NSW Murray and Lower Darling Regulated (2024)
- Australian Floodplain Association
- Barry MacMillan
- Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder
- Healthy Rivers Ambassadors
- Inland Rivers Network
- Kevin
- Lifeblood Alliance
- Murray Irrigation
- Murray Valley Private Diverters
- National Parks Association of NSW
- Nature Conservation Council
- Rice Growers Association
- South Western Water Users Association
- Southern Riverina Irrigators
Submissions - Murrumbidgee Regulated (2024)
- Coleambally Irrigators Cooperative Limited
- Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder
- Connellan
- Inland Rivers Network
- Joe McGirr
- Local Land Services
- Marsh
- Murray Darling Basin Authority
- Murray Lower Darling Rivers Indigenous Nations
- Murrumbidgee Irrigation Limited
- Murrumbidgee Private Irrigators Inc
- Narrawa Seeds
- National Parks Association of NSW
- NSW Aboriginal Land Council
- Rel Heckendorf
- Rice Growers Association